Call for input 2022 - Draft requirements for the development of mechanism methodologies


The Article 6.4 Mechanism Supervisory Body (Supervisory Body) is seeking inputs on the documents entitled:

  • Draft recommendations on the requirements for the development and assessment of mechanism methodologies (as Annex 7 to the SB002 annotated agenda
  • Information note: Requirements for the development and assessment of mechanism methodologies (as Annex 8 to the SB002 Annotated agenda

This work is being carried out in response to a request of the CMA, through its decision 3/CMA.3, paragraph 6(d). The Supervisory Body, at its second meeting, considered the above documents and agreed to continue working on them with an aim to finalize high-level recommendations to the CMA.4 at the third meeting of the Supervisory Body (see SB002 Meeting report, para. 14). It further requested the secretariat to launch a call for public inputs on these annexes and to advertise this call to a wide range of stakeholders, with a view to seek further inputs from stakeholders.

Open Call  

The call for inputs from stakeholders is open from 27 September to 11 October 2022. 

Stakeholders are invited to provide their inputs on the above documents (annexes 7 and 8). The inputs received will be publicly available and considered by the Supervisory Body. 

The call is now open. Please send in your input to Supervisory Body at The subject heading of the email should be: Call for input 2022 - draft requirements for the development of mechanism methodologies. 


The call is now closed. Please contact Supervisory body at for any queries. 

The inputs received are publicly available (below) and will be considered by the Supervisory Body at its third meeting from 3 to 5 November 2022.

Submission Date Submission
27 October 2022
(late submission)
Papua New Guinea on behalf of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations
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