Knowledge Support provided to the Lima Work Programme on Gender


The Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) has invited collaboration under the Nairobi work programme (NWP) to address the knowledge needs arising from the Cancun Adaptation Framework, the Paris Agreement, and other relevant workstreams and bodies under the UNFCCC and the knowledge needs identified by Parties.

The NWP is mandated to integrate gender considerations in its activities and more recently in 2022, to collaborate under the Lima work programme on gender (LWPG) on identifying adaptation actions in which gender can be mainstreamed. Several activities have been undertaken over the years addressing this topic, including a technical paper and an expert meeting on “Indigenous and local knowledge in adaptation action and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation”.

These mandates and these activities provide a substantive context of how the work in supporting the LWPG also builds on the work undertaken by the NWP in integrating and, where possible, mainstreaming gender considerations in adaptation actions.


As a knowledge hub, the NWP employs a variety of communication channels and platforms to collect relevant information and disseminate it in a usable format to Parties, partner organizations and other relevant organizations.

  • Adaptation Knowledge Portal for sharing and exchanging knowledge about climate change adaptation actions.
  • NWP quarterly Bulletin newsletter disseminated to Parties and NWP partner organizations.
  • NWP and Adaptation division social media accounts.
  • The annual NWP Focal Point Forum convened on the margins of COP.
  • Online database of partner organizations.
  • In 2020, the NWP reached out to the constituted bodies to discuss possible areas for collaboration and examine where the NWP could add most value to the workplans in line with their respective mandates. Formal letters were sent on behalf of the SBSTA Chair highlighting the work and mandates of the NWP and possible areas for collaboration. A positive response was sent by the LWPG members to take this collaboration forward.
  • In 2020, the NWP reached out to the constituted bodies to discuss possible areas for collaboration and examine where the NWP could add most value to the workplans in line with their respective mandates. Formal letters were sent on behalf of the SBSTA Chair highlighting the work and mandates of the NWP and possible areas for collaboration. A positive response was sent by the SBI chair to take this collaboration forward.
  • In 2021, the SBSTA Chair convened an informal meeting with representatives of constituted bodies to inform work under the NWP and discuss how to ensure that it continues to be demand-driven and responsive to the needs of Parties in a synergistic manner. The summary note on the meeting is available at
  • In 2022, the SBSTA requested the secretariat, to strengthen support to constituted bodies in addressing knowledge gaps in the context of capacity-building, finance and technology, and enhancing the responsiveness of the NWP to Parties’ needs. The NWP will strengthen long-term strategic engagement with constituted bodies to enhance sustainable adaptation action under the NWP and promote communication to help NWP partners to better understand how they can support the work of constituted bodies and inform future collaborative actions.
  • Identify and connect the LWPG with relevant partners to provide expertise and research on gender. For example: Global Gender Event at the Climate Dialogues as an opportunity for stakeholders to share their plans on supporting the implementation of the LWPM/GAP.
  • Mainstream gender issues through collaborations in ongoing adaptation activities.
  • Inputting into to a gender focused brief: ‘Addressing gender inequities in forest and trees -based adaptation to addressing the climate urgency’, as part of closing a knowledge a gap identified through the NWP s thematic work on biodiversity and climate change adaptation.