Supporting the work of the constituted bodies by the Nairobi work programme


In its role as a knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, the Nairobi work programme (NWP) connects constituted bodies, institutional arrangements and non-Party stakeholders under the UNFCCC. This is facilitated through the curation, production and communication of knowledge, and the establishment of partnerships for learning. The collaboration focuses on all aspects of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.

The NWP supports the work of the constituted bodies in the following ways:

  1. Strengthen collaborations between the constituted bodies and partners in response to specific mandates to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
  2. Assist countries to make informed decisions at different levels of governance. This includes the implementation and formulation of NAPs.
  3. Communicate, share information and opportunities of engagement under the constituted bodies with Parties and the wider network of partners.

The NWP’s mechanism is demand-driven, by answering to the adaptation knowledge needs identified by Parties (particularly developing countries) and by constituted bodies under the UNFCCC. The NWP responds to these knowledge needs by convening technical experts from partner organizations to conduct research, synthesize information and produce accessible knowledge products that decision-makers need to formulate and implement effective, national policies and plans, such as National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). The NWP also cultivates high-impact partnerships between knowledge producers and users to close knowledge gaps and advance implementation of transformative adaptation approaches to maximize resilience investments.

For further information on the collaborative work between the NWP and the constituted bodies, please refer to the relevant links on the side bar.

Key milestones of the NWP

