Knowledge Support provided to the Least Developed Countries Expert Group


The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) was established in 2001, and is currently mandated to provide technical guidance and support to the LDCs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs), the preparation and implementation of the national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) and the implementation of the LDC work programme.  The LEG is also mandated to provide technical guidance and advice on accessing funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the process to formulate and implement NAPs, in collaboration with the GCF secretariat.

The Nairobi work programme (NWP) is assisting countries in formulating and implementing NAPs, in collaboration with the LEG, by mobilizing NWP partners to support implementation of NAPs-related activities and provide support to the LEG. The LEG has benefited from the wide range of technical expertise that the NWP and its partners provide in implementing its work plan, including support for:

  • Providing technical guidance and support to the LDCs on the process of formulating and implementing NAPs, while deepening understanding among Parties and stakeholders of adaptation themes.
  • Collecting case studies and best practices, producing NAPs supplements and other knowledge products relevant for NAPs; and sharing information with a global network of partners.
  • Strengthening partnerships and collaboration to close adaptation knowledge gaps and scale up adaptation action, including at sub-regional level.
  • Promoting collaboration with the constituted bodies on scaling up adaptation action.

Over the years, Parties have recognized the contributions of the NWP and its partner organizations to the work of the Adaptation Committee (AC) and the LEG, demonstrating the unique ability of the NWP to provide relevant technical information in response to emerging knowledge needs.

The NWP has been providing support to the work of the LEG since 2010, following the progressively renewed mandates by the Conference of Parties (COP) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), particularly in contributing to the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Upon the invitations by the COP and the SBSTA, the LEG has developed linkages with the NWP within its workplan, as well as provided recommendations on the delivery of the NWP mandates.


Integrating indigenous and local knowledge into adaptation action
Ecosystems in adaptation planning and implementation
  • In 2016, the LEG partnered with the NWP to organize a technical session at the NAP Expo on the issue of vulnerable communities, groups and ecosystems in the context of NAPs. Relevant NWP partners and expert organizations collaborated on and contributed to the organization of the technical session.
  • In 2017, the NWP side event on ecosystems and ecosystem-based adaptation was organized jointly with the LEG and Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA).
  • In 2018, as a supplement to the NAP guidelines on considerations regarding vulnerable communities, groups and ecosystems, the LEG prepared the information paper with inputs from the NWP and its partners.
  • In 2019, a joint technical session by the LEG and the NWP was held during the NAP Expo on assessing progress in adaptation in vulnerable groups, communities and ecosystems.
  • A dedicated page on ecosystems and water resources is available on the AKP.
Human settlements in adaptation planning and implementation
  • In 2017, the NWP compiled the summary document on existing initiatives in the area of human settlements and adaptation. A technical dialogue on human settlements and adaptation was held prior to COP 23 and was co-organized with the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and UN-Habitat. The 11th Focal Point Forum on human settlements and adaptation was held in conjunction with COP 23.
  • In 2018, the NWP prepared a synthesis report on adaptation in human settlements, based on submissions received from Parties, NWP partners and other relevant organizations, and input gathered at the technical dialogue and the 11th Focal Point Forum. A side event on closing knowledge gaps on human settlements took place at SBSTA 48 and featured a discussion of opportunities to close knowledge gaps related to human settlements and adaptation.
  • In 2019, the LEG collaborated with UN-Habitat to published the supplement to the NAP guidelines on addressing urban and human settlement issues in NAPs. UN-Habitat organized a session at the NAP Expo 2019 to gather inputs on the supplement and to strengthen partnerships for adaptation in human settlements as part of the NAP process.
  • A dedicated page on human settlements is available on the AKP.


Experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement NAPs
  • In 2014, the AC and the LEG compile an information paper presenting experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, based on the submissions from Parties and organizations on NAPs, and the first and second NAP Expo held in June 2013 and August 2014.
  • In 2015, a workshop was organized by the AC and the LEG on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement NAPs. The report on the workshop was submitted at SBI 42.
Good practices and lessons learned in relation to adaptation planning processes for ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health; and good practices and lessons learned in processes and structures for linking national and local adaptation planning
  • In 2014, the AC and the LEG developed the case studies with inputs from the NWP partner organizations and compiled them into a report. A review group comprising representatives from the AC, the LEG and thematic experts from NWP partner organizations also selected the case studies to be shared at the 9th NWP Focal Point Forum.
  • Dedicated pages on ecosystems and water resources, health, and human settlements are available on the AKP.
Communication and Outreach

As a knowledge hub, the NWP employs a variety of communication channels and platforms to collect relevant information and disseminate it in a usable format to Parties, partner organizations and other relevant organizations.

  • Adaptation Knowledge Portal for sharing and exchanging knowledge about climate change adaptation actions.
  • NWP eUpdate newsletter, published three times a year and disseminated to Parties and NWP partner organizations.
  • UNFCCC communication platforms, including the Adaptation Exchange Facebook page, UNFCCC climate conference YouTube channel, UNFCCC Newsroom, UNFCCC and Adaptation Division Facebook accounts, UNFCCC and NWP Adaptation Exchange Twitter account.
  • The annual NWP Focal Point Forum is convened under the NWP on the margins of COP.
  • Online database of partner organizations.
Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative
  • In 2014, the COP endorsed the launch of LAKI, an initiative that aims to address knowledge gaps to the implementation and catalyze climate change adaptation actions in the context of various sub-regions and thematic domains, and in a demand-driven process.
  • During its pilot phase (2014–2017), the LAKI identified a total of 85 priority adaptation knowledge gaps across six sub-regions, which are included in an e-publication. The NWP has convened partnerships with universities, regional and global centers and networks and NWP partners in closing these priority knowledge gaps.
  • Partnerships with universities, such as in the global South, and with relevant global, regional, national and local institutions are planned to be established for producing useful knowledge products in collaboration with the LEG for supporting the process to formulate and implement NAPs.
Partnership with national, regional and international organizations
  • In 2016, the NWP organized a networking session at the NAP Expo in July 2016 to facilitate dialogue on opportunities for inputs and collaboration on activities under the NWP, in particular on activities to support the process to formulate and implement NAPs. The LEG also invited NWP partner organizations to share case studies and information on relevant tools and data with the LEG in order to enhance the resources being maintained on NAP Central.
  • The NWP developed an online database that includes a network of over 400 partner organizations for collaboration on addressing adaptation knowledge needs identified by Parties and constituted bodies.


Building on the collaboration with the AC and the LEG, and following the AC’s advice, the SBSTA requested the NWP, under the guidance of the SBSTA Chair, to communicate information on the work and mandates of the NWP to the relevant constituted bodies and institutional arrangements and to invite them to consider collaborating with the NWP. The NWP’s collaboration is underway with the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM Excom), the Facilitative Working Group (FWG) of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), the Lima Work Programme on Gender (LWPG), the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB), the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF), and the Technology Executive Committee (TEC).

As directed by SBSTA 50 and the LEG, the following activities are planned to take place in collaboration with the NWP:

- In supporting the LDCs and SIDS, the NWP will focus on responding to their knowledge needs in the context of the thematic area of biodiversity and climate change adaptation. The expert group on oceans will be engaged in advancing collaborative action focused on SIDS.

- The expert group on oceans is developing the policy brief with the intent to facilitate access to, and funding by, the GCF via improved, high-quality proposals.

- Thematic expert groups and LAKI partners will be mobilized to collaborate with the LEG in implementing its work programme. This will include implementing NAP-related activities and providing support to the LDCs, such as by:

  • Gathering knowledge in support of the systems approach of the NAP-SDG iFrame, and supporting Open NAPs;
  • Supporting the organization of NAP Expos;
  • Contributing to the development of the integrative supplement;
  • Supporting the work of the LEG, for example through inclusion in the NWP eUpdates of calls for interest in activities in support of Open NAPs;
  • Collecting case studies relevant to formulating and implementing NAPs and collaborating with the LEG on determining best practices and lessons learned;
  • Engaging LDC universities as NWP partners and mobilizing them in supporting relevant work of the LEG.