Overview of Outputs from the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM) and its Executive Committee
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12 Meetings of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM) 2014 - 2019
6 Reports of the Executive Committee of the WIM  2014 - 2019
Establishment of the Roster of Experts of the WIM  2018
How can you contribute to advancing work on loss and damage? (Poster for the 10th Research Dialogue) May 2018 (SB 48)


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Slow onset events database 2015 - present
Work towards slow onset events (Poster for the 8th Research Dialogue) May 2016 (SB 44)
Work towards catalyzing further action (Poster for the 8th Research Dialogue) May 2016 (SB 44)
Letter to the Chair of the SBSTA requesting to consider slow onset events as a possible topic for the research dialogue to be held at SBSTA 44 or for future research dialogues 2016 (SB 44)
Invitation to relevant organizations and experts to collaborate with the Executive Committee to facilitate access to information, including through collaborative channels or databases, and technologies to track the impacts, and enable approaches to address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, including slow onset events. 2016
What are you doing to address the risks of slow onset events? (Photo campaign) November 2017 (COP 23)
Side event 'Breaking new ground: Risk financing for slow onset events' November 2017 (COP 23)
Scoping paper on slow onset events (SOEs) as reported by partners in the SOEs database, as of February 2018 February 2018
Call for Abstracts for Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability special issue on “Slow Onset Events related to Climate Change October 2019 - Present
Title  Date
Photo campaign on Non-economic Losses May 2016 (SB 44)
Side event 'Shining the light on non-economic losses: Challenges, risks and lessons learned for addressing them' May 2016 (SB 44)
First meeting  of the Expert Group on non-economic losses  September 2016


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Technical meeting on migration, displacement and human mobility July 2016
Invitation to relevant organizations and experts to provide knowledge, data and scientific information on both internal and cross-border migration, displacement and other forms of human mobility owing to factors related to climate change impacts, including in combination with other factors 2016
First meeting of the Task Force on Displacement May 2017 
Current landscape of the work on displacement in the context of workplans of bodies and work programmes under the UNFCCC (Information paper) February 2018
The UN system’s mandates with respect to averting, minimizing and addressing displacement related to climate change: considerations for the future (Mapping and analysis report) July 2018
Mapping Human Mobility and Climate Change in Relevant National Policies and Institutional Frameworks (Mapping and analysis report) August 2018
Synthesizing the state of knowledge to better understand displacement related to slow onset events (Synthesis report) August 2018
Mapping Human Mobility and Climate Change in International Processes, Policies and Legal Frameworks (Mapping and analysis report) August 2018
Mapping of existing international and regional guidance and tools on averting, minimizing, addressing and facilitating durable solutions to displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change (Mapping and analysis report) August 2018
Systematic data collection and monitoring of displacement and its impacts at local, national, regional and international levels to inform comprehensive needs and risk assessments for the formulation of policy and plans (Analysis report) August 2018
Meeting report on the Task Force on Displacement Stakeholder Meeting on Recommendations for integrated approaches to avert, minimize and address displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change  September 2018
Second meeting of the Task Force on Displacement  September 2018
Report of the Task Force on Displacement  September 2018
Side event: Recommendations of the Task Force on Displacement  December 2018 (COP 24)
Third meeting  of the Task Force on Displacement  July 2019
Side event: Moving forward together: averting, minimizing and addressing displacement - the second phase of the Task Force on Displacement December 2019 (COP 25)


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Invitation to international, regional, bilateral and non-governmental actors to complete a questionnaire on climate risk analysis/management 2016
Invitation to institutions to provide input on the content, design and use of the clearing house for risk transfer through a user needs assessment 2016
Compendium  on comprehensive risk management approaches August 2017
Fiji Clearing House for Risk Transfer: Tutorials, RISK TALK Community, Case studies, Types of funding, Literature on losses 2017 - Present
Expert dialogue on technologies for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage in coastal zones June 2019 (SB 50)
First meeting of the Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management August 2019
Finalized compendium on comprehensive risk-management approaches September 2019
Report on the First meeting of the Technical Expert Group on Comprehensive Risk Management  September 2019 
Stakeholder Engagement Workshop on Strengthening the Capacities for Climate Risk Observation and Assessment October 2019


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Call for submissions on best practices, challenges and lessons learned from existing financial instruments at all levels that address the risk of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change 2016
Call for inputs in response to the key messages in the context of Action Area 7 of the initial two-year workplan, including making recommendations for addressing any gaps and challenges 2016
Best practices, challenges and lessons learned from existing financial instruments at all levels that address the risk of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change (Information paper) April 2016
Letter to public institutions and funds and private investors to incorporate climate risk and resilience into development projects and into investment criteria and decisions and encourage, promote and coordinate with research and development processes on financial instruments and tools that address the risks of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change August 2016
2016 Forum of the Standing Committee on Finance on the topic of Financial instruments that address the risks of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change September 2016
Call for submissions on type and nature of actions to address loss and damage for which finance may be required 2017
Suva Expert Dialogue  May 2018 (SB 48)
Suva Expert Dialogue Report August 2018
Determination of the scope of the technical paper elaborating the sources of and modalities for accessing financial support for addressing loss and damage September 2018

