Non-Economic Losses

Strategic workstream (b) of the current five-year workplan of the Warsaw International Mechanism Executive Committee (WIM ExCom) focuses on enhancing cooperation and facilitation in relation to non-economic losses (NELs).


Non-economic losses refer to a broad range of losses that are not easily quantifiable in financial terms or commonly traded in markets. These losses are additional to the loss of property, assets, infrastructure, or agricultural production and revenue that can result from the impacts of the adverse effects of climate change. Non-economic losses may affect individuals (e.g. loss of life, health, or mobility), society (e.g. loss of territory, cultural heritage, indigenous or local knowledge, or societal or cultural identity) or the environment (e.g. loss of biodiversity or ecosystem services).


Work facilitated by WIM ExCom on this workstream

The WIM ExCom has been undertaking a range of activities, including under strategic workstream (b) of its five-year rolling workplan.

The Expert Group on Non-economic losses helps execute the work of the WIM ExCom in guiding the implementation of the Warsaw International Mechanism in an advisory role.


Knowledge products

Awareness-raising activities

  • Side event on non-economic losses (18 May 2016, World Conference Centre Bonn): As part of the awareness raising of the nature and extent of non-economic losses, the Executive Committee organized the side event Shining the Light on Non-economic Losses Challenges, Risks and Lessons Learned for Addressing Them during the 44th session of the subsidiary bodies. The summary note of the side event can be found here.
  • In the lead up to the side event, a photo campaign took place on 16-18 May 2016 for raising awareness of the issues related to non-economic losses, posing the question What do non-economic losses mean to you. A total of 65 people participated, representing a wide range of stakeholders from around the world (see image 1 and image 2).
Do you want to find out more about approaches concerning non-economic losses?  
Explore the latest submissions to inform the development of the knowledge product by the NELs Expert Group. 


The work of the Expert Group on Non-economic Losses  supports strategic workstream (b) of the five-year rolling workplan of the Warsaw International Mechanism  Executive Committee (WIM ExCom), which aims to enhance cooperation and facilitation in relation to non-economic losses.

The COP at its twentieth session in 2014, decided that the WIM ExCom may establish expert groups, subcommittees, panels, thematic advisory groups or task-focused ad hoc working groups to help execute the work of the ExCom in guiding the implementation of the Warsaw International Mechanism, as appropriate, in an advisory role, and that report to the ExCom (Decision 2/CP.20, para 8). ExCom 12 (2020) adopted the terms of reference for the Expert Group on Non-economic losses, and the group held its first meeting in 2021.

The WIM ExCom endorsed the Expert Group on Non-economic losses Plan of Action in April 2021 at ExCom 13. It identified actions that will contribute to the implementation of the activities under strategic workstream (b) of the five-year rolling workplan of the WIM ExCom.

Stocktaking of relevant data, tools and knowledge

  • Submissions on the information sources related to averting, minimizing and addressing non-economic losses as part of the development of a knowledge product providing an update to the 2013 technical paper.

Awareness-raising, outreach and support strategy

  • Mapping of potential partners working on non-economic losses and engage in relevant activities under the plan of action of the Expert Group on Non-economic losses.

Enhancing technical guidance and catalysing support

  • Technical Guide on averting, minimizing and addressing non-economic losses in the context of human mobility (joint activity with the Task Force on Displacement): teaser.