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Showing 58 of 58 results
Case study
Increasing Climate Data and Ambition in Indonesia through Enhanced Transparency and Incentive Schemes (EN)
Org.: World Resources Institute (WRI)
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Region: Global
Case study
Typical Challenges for Vertically Integrated Measurement, Reporting and Verification Systems of Greenhouse Gases (EN)
Org.: ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Region: Global
Case study
Mapping of Institutional Arrangement in Sri Lanka for Climate Change Mitigation (EN)
Org.: Janathakshan, Org.: Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Region: Asia
Case study
Integrating gender in Climate change adaptation proposals (EN)
Org.: Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN)
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Region: Asia
Case study
Landscape Analysis on young people’s engagement in climate change and health in six LMICs in Africa and Asia (EN)
Org.: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Org.: Save the Children Fund
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Region: Asia
Case study
Malawi's strategy on climate change learning (EN)
Org.: Malawi
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Region: Africa
Case study
Application of Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA) Methodology in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia (EN)
Org.: CARE International
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Case study
Progress and Challenges in Achieving Vertical Integration in Adaptation Processes (EN)
Org.: National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network
Date: 20 Jan 2022
Region: Global
Case study
Peri-urban ecosystems for urban climate change resilience in India (EN)
Org.: Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG) 
Date: 19 Jan 2022
Region: Asia
Case study
Assessing agroforestry practices and soil and water conservation for climate change adaptation in Kenya: A cost-benefit analysis (EN)
Org.: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Org.: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Date: 19 Jan 2022
Region: Africa
Showing 58 of 58 results
Type of resource Language Title Author Topic
Case study English Increasing Climate Data and Ambition in Indonesia through Enhanced Transparency and Incentive Schemes (EN) World Resources Institute (WRI) Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
Case study English Typical Challenges for Vertically Integrated Measurement, Reporting and Verification Systems of Greenhouse Gases (EN) ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
Case study English Mapping of Institutional Arrangement in Sri Lanka for Climate Change Mitigation (EN) Janathakshan, Asia Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) Partnership Mitigation
Case study English Integrating gender in Climate change adaptation proposals (EN) Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) Adaptation
Case study English Landscape Analysis on young people’s engagement in climate change and health in six LMICs in Africa and Asia (EN) Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Save the Children Fund Global climate action (GCA)
Case study English Malawi's strategy on climate change learning (EN) Malawi Global climate action (GCA)
Case study English Application of Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA) Methodology in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia (EN) CARE International Adaptation
Case study English Progress and Challenges in Achieving Vertical Integration in Adaptation Processes (EN) National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network Adaptation
Case study English Peri-urban ecosystems for urban climate change resilience in India (EN) Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG)  Adaptation, Urban infrastructure
Case study English Assessing agroforestry practices and soil and water conservation for climate change adaptation in Kenya: A cost-benefit analysis (EN) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Adaptation
