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Showing 12 of 506 results
Green Cities Podcast Series (EN)
Org.: USAID Urban Links
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Global
Community-Based Methods for Monitoring Coastal Erosion (EN)
Org.: Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Northern America
Modelling Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from China’s Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Sector: Gaps and recommendations (ZH) (EN)
Org.: Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU)
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Asia
Climate Risk Planning & Managing Tool for Development Programmes in Agri-food Systems (CRISP) (EN)
Org.: Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Global
Online course
IPBC Knowledge Exchange Session 3 – Why and how to include blue carbon in NDCs (EN)
Org.: International Partnership for Blue Carbon (IPBC)
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Global
Breaking Silos: Enhancing synergies across NDCs and NBSAPs (EN)
Org.: World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Global
Aligning NDCs with green recovery: Guidance framework (EN)
Org.: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Global
On-demand webinar
Workshop Series on City Resilience and Response to Extreme Weather Events: Workshop #1 (ZH) (EN)
Org.: World Bank
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Global
On-demand webinar
Webinar on Food Security in the NDCs 3.0 of the MENA region (EN)
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Africa, Asia
Полтора градуса (RU)
Org.: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Global
Case study
Gender, Climate and Conflict Analysis in Somalia and Assessment of Opportunities for Climate Smart Agriculture and Livelihood Opportunities for Crisis-affected and At-risk Women in Somalia (EN)
Org.: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UN Women)
Date: 03 Jul 2024
Region: Africa
Emissions Trading in Practice, Second Edition: A Handbook on Design and Implementation (EN) (ES) (ZH)
Org.: World Bank
Date: 30 May 2023
Region: Global
Showing 2 of 2 results
Type of resource Language Title Author Topic
Platform English Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (EN) Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) - biodiversity working group of the Arctic Council LULUCF (land use, land-use change and forestry), REDD/REDD+, Oceans and coastal zones
Online course English Introduction to the Arctic: Climate (EN) (Automatic translations in other languages) University of Alberta Science
