Climate Change Kiosk - 15 November 2006 - Rio Conventions Exhibit

15 November 2006 

Gary Braasch - A presentation of Gary Braasch's breathtaking photographs featured in the 2007 Rio Conventions Calendar.
Through the prism of photographs of Gary Braasch, the Ansel Adams award-winning photojournalist, take an extraordinary around-the-world tour to observe environmental changes from our warming climate to better understand the people and ecosystems that are threatened by climate change, desertification and loss of biodiversity (See the webcast of the talk).

For more information contact Sharon Taylor, Climate Change Secretariat.





Welcome - Rio Conventions Calendar Launch

Kevin Grose

Coordinator, Information Services


James Ramsey

Chief Executive
Entico Corporation Limited


Words from the Calendar Project Sponsors

Government of Nunavut
Jane Cooper

Assistant Deputy Minister
Department of Environment
Iqaluit, Nunavut

Rigione Emilia-Romagna
Assessore Dr Lino Zanichelli

Regione Emilia-Romagna
Direzione Generale Ambiente e Difesa Del Suolo e Della Costa
Bologna, Italy

Basque Climate Change Office
Xabier Caño González

Director General

Flemish Government

Rik de Baere
Policy Advisor to the Flemish Government


Gary Braasch

Photographer and author

