Adaptation Private Sector Initiative - Joining

How does climate change impact on your business?

Adaptation to climate change is essential. Climate change will likely affect the location, design, marketing and operation of infrastructure, products and services. It will make certain types of business more viable in certain areas, but will negatively affect most types of business in most areas of the world. It will influence the way socio-economic systems operate and thereby impact on customers and employees.

What benefits will adaptation bring to your business?

Adaptation is an emerging and growing business opportunity with multiple benefits:

1. Gain new market opportunities

2. Manage risk and cut costs

3. Meet customer and investor expectations

4. Enhance competitive advantage

5. Stay ahead of government regulation

How can you contribute?

Your business can become an adaptation leader by joining the PSI, assessing vulnerabilities and opportunities, developing an adaptation strategy, and communicating and monitoring your activities. Integrating adaptation into corporate planning should be done in a way that is consistent with sustainable development and enhances the resilience of the most vulnerable people and communities surrounding your business operations.

Benefits of becoming a PSI partner


Associate with the United Nations process on climate change
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the lead United Nations process for climate change where the direction of future policy and government regulation is decided. The UNFCCC Climate Change conferences have attracted an unprecedented degree of public attention, reaching more than 10,000 accredited climate change professionals from government, academia, the non-profit sector, business and the media.


Demonstrate that your business is already preparing for the impacts of climate change
A number of companies, supported by their national governments, have begun to integrate climate change adaptation into their business strategies. Partnership with the PSI and regular reporting of your activities can document solid risk-management and demonstrate to investors that their investments will be resilient to a changing climate.


Increase the visibility of your corporate citizenship work on adaptation
Climate change is the defining challenge of this century. Changes in the natural environment will have a profound impact on socio-economic systems and on the communities your business depends on. Engaging with adaptation at this early stage demonstrates a forward-looking and sustainable commitment to corporate citizenship. 


Network and share knowledge with leading international organizations and companies
Partnership with the initiative will enable you to draw on the extensive expertise of the United Nations on all aspects of adaptation. The database of PSI partner companies will further offer an important opportunity to share best practices and lessons learned.


Stake your claim to an emerging multi-billion dollar market
Total annual investments into adaptation will range in the billions of USD. Early involvement with adaptation will allow you to better understand and respond to the needs of future customers and stake your claim to this growing market.
