UN4NAPs Forum at the Chile Global Adaptation Week 2023

The UN4NAPs Forum at the Chile Global Adaptation Week will bring together representatives from least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing States (SIDS) and UN partner organizations to discuss needs for technical assistance in advancing the formulation and implementation of NAPs.

The organizations will get a better understanding of the needs of countries in the context of NAPs, while the countries will learn about opportunities for assistance. Topics will include needs for technical assistance related to climate hazards, human mobility in the context of NAPs, and the integration of urban and subnational perspectives in NAPs.

NAP Expo 2023

The NAP Expo is an annual outreach event organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) under the UNFCCC, in collaboration with various bodies and organizations, to promote an exchange of experiences and foster partnerships between a wide range of actors and stakeholders on how to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). This is the eighth global NAP Expo since 2013. It brings together a diversity of participants from Parties and Non-Party Stakeholders.

The NAP Expo 2023 will take place from 27 to 30 March 2023 in Santiago, Chile. For more information about the NAP Expo 2023, see here


UN4NAPs Forum timetable

MONDAY, 27 March TUESDAY, 28 March WEDNESDAY, 29 March THURSDAY, 30 March


Identification of bankable projects for NAP implementation

(presentations by countries and UN4NAPs partner organizations, including UNU and WMO)


Migration and displacement in NAP formulation and implementation

(presentations by countries and UN4NAPs partner organization IOM)


Technical assistance needs related to climate hazards

(presentations by countries and engagement of UN4NAPs partner organizations)


Integration of urban and subnational perspectives in NAP formulation and implementation

(presentations by countries and engagement of UN4NAPs partner organizations)


Open session on needs for technical assistance for NAP formulation and implementation

(presentations by countries and engagement of UN4NAPs partner organizations)


UN4NAPs Forum sessions


Identification of bankable projects for NAP implementation 
(presentations by countries and UN4NAPs partner organizations, including UNU and WMO)

Draft agenda

More information:

UNU-EHS (2020): Economics of Climate Adaptation Tool.

WMO (2022): Developing the Climate Science Information for Climate Action


Migration and displacement in NAP formulation and implementation
(presentations by countries and UN4NAPs partner organization IOM)

Draft agenda


Technical assistance needs related to climate hazards in the NAP process
(presentations by countries and engagement of UN4NAPs partner organizations)

Draft agenda



Open session on needs for technical assistance for NAP formulation and implementation
(presentations by countries and engagement of UN4NAPs partner organizations)

Draft agenda


Integration of urban and subnational perspectives in NAP formulation and implementation
(presentations by countries and engagement of UN4NAPs partner organizations)

Draft agenda
