UN events
UN Financing for Development
28 May 2020
09:00h - 21:00h
Virtual event
Climate Finance
Canada, Jamaica, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General (DSG)
UN events
UN Financing for Development
28 May 2020
09:00h - 21:00h
Virtual event
Climate Finance
Canada, Jamaica, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General (DSG)

The Event discussed six pressing issues: The need to expand liquidity in the global economy and maintain financial stability to safeguard development gains and strengthen the recovery for the benefit of current and future generations. The need to address debt vulnerabilities for all developing countries that request support to free fiscal resources to save lives and livelihoods for billions around the world. The need to create a space in which private sector creditors can proactively engage in effective and timely solutions to the looming debt crisis and avoid the significantly higher cost to investors and societies that would result from a disorderly wave of defaults. Prerequisites for enhancing external finance for inclusive growth, gender equality and creating jobs, including measures to enhance long-term finance, FDI, portfolio investment, and lower the transactions costs of migrant remittances. Measures to expand fiscal space and foster domestic resource mobilization by preventing illicit financial flows, base erosion and profit shifting, and facilitating contributions of the digital economy in the emergency and beyond. Ensuring a sustainable and inclusive recovery by aligning recovery policies with the Sustainable Development Goals.