Transformative coalitions: Success stories for knowledge sharing on climate action and social justice
14 Sep. 2023
14:00h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Virtual-MS Teams
Transformative coalitions: Success stories for knowledge sharing on climate action and social justice
14 Sep. 2023
14:00h - 15:30h
Virtual event
Virtual-MS Teams


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While the need to act on climate change is well known, too little is done, particularly when it comes to building needed capacities. Often training courses or courses focus on technology or theoretical knowledge, whereas the actual gap is in the general understanding and so-called soft skills like communication, co-development, or joint decision-making.

This session presented a range of experts from research and implementation, who shared their success stories on socially inclusive climate action. The focus was on their expertise capacity building on the so-called soft skills for successful and motivated climate action, such as awareness, communication, visioning, leadership, and collaboration. These skills are often overlooked but are essential pathways for triggering transformative change.


  • To share practical insights on co-creation processes in capacity building and tools development for crafting soft skills on urban climate action and social justice.
  • To illustrate with success stories how implementing capacity building for climate action and social justice in different contexts is a means to exchange knowledge, share expertise, and trigger transformative urban change.
  • To raise awareness on existing initiatives and capacities to broaden networks and share materials.

Format & Structure

Agenda Content Modality Leader Timing
Opening  Opening remarks      5 minutes 

Introduction (15 minutes)

Welcome participants and highlight the structure of the session Presentation on the Transformative Urban Coalitions Presentation Moderators 5 minutes
Icebreaker with audience Q&A via chat Moderators 5 minutes
Speakers' introduction round Presentations Speakers 3 minutes
Engagement with audience: " In your perspective, which soft skills are most important for socially inclusive climate action? Where do you see gaps in capacity building? Interactive poll opens  Moderators 12

Success stories (30 minutes)

Participants Success stories

  • Speakers will present how they bring people together and tell their success stories and concerns on soft skills for successful and motivated climate action and social justice.
Success stories Speakers 30 minutes

Practical insights and Co-creation (10 minutes)

Based on the audience preference, participants engage in a brief virtual activity for “Crafting Soft Skills Success Stories for Climate Action and Social Justice.”

This activity will be based on pre-established cards with practical insights into the speakers' success stories. The cards will show the dos and don’ts of soft skills for climate action and social justice

Interactive poll Moderators
10 minutes

Closing and Reflection (10 minutes)

Open discussion Q&A via chat Speaker 3 minutes
Take home messages Presentation 7 minutes
Post-event Provide participants with an online link where participants can access a downloadable PDF resource containing the summary of the information presented and learn more about the capacity-building and tools development in the Transformative Urban Coalitions approach.


The session had three key outputs:

  1. Raising awareness on the needs and make known what solutions already exist to transform cities towards sustainability,
  2. Discuss and improve them together during the session, and
  3. Make them available for use as open-source materials afterwards.

The first two outputs were achieved during the session, the third output was made available after finalizing materials and including feedback collected during the session.


Name  Role  Affiliation 
Hayro Hakobyan PCCB Member  PCCB  
Nathalie Sänger Research Associate UNU-EHS
Simone Sandholz Academic Officer  UNU-EHS
Pourya Salehi Head of Urban Research, Innovation, and Development Team ICLEI 
Rocío Silva Biologist, co-founder Hylos  ImpulSouth 
Pamela Elizarras Youth climate activist Digital storyteller, documentary photographer and co-founder of Latinas for Climate (MEX) 
Simone Sandholz Academic Officer  UNU-EHS
Andrea Ramírez  Associate Academic Officer UNU-EHS