Climate Dialogues
NDC Enhancement and COVID-19 Recovery: Regional Trends and Country Experiences
01 Dec. 2020
15:00h - 16:30h
Virtual event
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), NDC Partnership (NDCP), UNFCCC
Climate Dialogues
NDC Enhancement and COVID-19 Recovery: Regional Trends and Country Experiences
01 Dec. 2020
15:00h - 16:30h
Virtual event
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), NDC Partnership (NDCP), UNFCCC


The year 2020 has seen countries around the world face significant challenges, not least the global health and economic crises brought on by COVID-19 but also the ever-present climate crisis, as seen by more frequent and more devastating fires, droughts and floods. Against this backdrop, this year becomes even more significant as Parties to the Paris Agreement prepare their new or updated national climate pledges or Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to strengthen mitigation and adaptation actions and targets. While COVID-19 has slowed down this update process (with delays around collection and validation of data, decision making processes and convening key stakeholders), it has also created an unprecedented opportunity to design comprehensive recovery packages that accelerate climate action. The alignment of socio-economic and development needs with urgent climate needs could help accelerate efforts to transition to low-carbon, climate resilient economies and societies.


The objective of this special event, organized by UNFCCC in partnership with UNDP and the NDC Partnership, is to showcase country efforts to enhance their NDCs and put climate at the heart of their recovery efforts. This will include efforts coordinated through UNDP’s Climate Promise and through the NDC Partnership. Global and regional trends on the NDC revision process to date will be presented, and countries will share their experiences around the NDC revision process, particularly in light of the global pandemic, and showcase their efforts in aligning their enhanced NDCs with national COVID-19 response and recovery efforts. In addition, specific tools and resources will be shared in an effort to further support countries in linking NDCs and their recovery efforts.

The desired outcome is a shared understanding of trends across regions with regards to countries’ efforts in enhancing their NDCs and to learn from best practices in linking enhanced NDCs with COVID-19 recovery efforts. Key messages from this session will feed into the Climate Ambition Summit that is taking place on Saturday 12th December 2020 to commemorate the 5th year anniversary of the Paris Agreement. 


The agenda and the modalities for participation and registration can be found on the UNDP-NDCP event page, available at https://ndcpartnership.org/events/ndc-enhancement-and-covid-19-recovery-regional-trends-and-country-experiences. For more information, the event organizers can also be contacted as follows:

The event will be conducted in English; live interpretation into French and Spanish will be provided.
