COP events
Multilateral consultations with Group Chairs and Heads of Delegation on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
29 - 30 Mar. 2021
11:00h - 03:00h
Virtual event
COP events
Multilateral consultations with Group Chairs and Heads of Delegation on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement
29 - 30 Mar. 2021
11:00h - 03:00h
Virtual event


The below dates are intended as two parts of one meeting; all Parties are encouraged to participate in both parts.

Date Time
Monday, 29 March 10:00 - 12:00 (GMT)
Tuesday, 30 March 00:00 - 02:00 (GMT)

Discussion Questions

  • What are the key issues that require the attention of Heads of Delegations, and what solutions can we consider to overcome the existing divergences on those issues, in light of the compromise options proposed in COP25?
  • How can we work together most effectively as Heads of Delegation this year to make progress on these key issues?
  • What decisions (if any) could be needed from the CMP, for example to support any transition between the CDM and Article 6.4 mechanism, and what work could the Presidencies do with Parties in advance of Glasgow to prepare for any such decisions?

Further information can be found here

Co-chairs’ summary