25 Jun 2019
Multilateral Assessment during SBI 50, Bonn (10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00)
Open meeting


Genf , World Conference Center Bonn


World Conference Center Bonn


Bonn, Germany



Nineteen developed countries will be sharing their achievements, innovative climate actions and experience in meeting the 2020 climate targets through the Multilateral Assessment process on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June.

Links to live broadcasts / on demand broadcast: 

Monday, 24 June:  morning (10:00 - 13:00) / afternoon (15:00 - 18:00)
Tuesday, 25 June:  morning (10:00 - 13:00) / afternoon (15:00 - 18:00)

Parties to be multilaterally assessed during SBI 50:                                          

24 June 2019: 25 June 2019:
1.   Australia 10.         Norway
2.   Croatia and Malta 11.         Poland
3.   Iceland 12.         Romania and Slovenia
4.   Finland 13.         Russian Federation
5.   Denmark 14.         Spain
6.   Ireland 15.         Sweden
7.   Italy 16.         United Kingdom
8.   Japan  
9.   Liechtenstein and Monaco  

In the event that the Party undergoing MA receives none or very few questions, the total time allocated to that Party will be shortened. Upon completion of the multilateral assessment for one Party, the next Party will be invited to begin its presentation.Schedule of the MA session

The working language will be English.

Output of the  MA: The final stage of the MA is the publication of a Party record for each country. This includes the technical review reports, an SBI summary report, Q&A compiled for each Party through the MA portal, and the observation made by the Party within two months after the SBI working group session for the MA.

international assessment and review (IAR)