Constituted Body meetings and events
Eighteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC18)
09 - 12 Nov. 2020
13:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
Virtual meeting
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Eighteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC18)
09 - 12 Nov. 2020
13:00h - 15:00h
Virtual event
Virtual meeting
Adaptation & Loss and Damage


The 18th meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC) was preceded by a one-hour outreach event, which started at 13:00 CET to showcase the AC’s achievements in 2020. The Co-Chairs officially opened the 18th meeting of the AC on 9 November 2020 at 14:00 CET.

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the eighteenth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC18) by agenda item.

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda

AC18/AA/2 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Organization of work

Summary outcome

The Adaptation Committee agreed on the organization of work and launched all substantive items.

4. Promoting overarching coherence

4. (a) Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention

Written input to the 18th meeting of the AC by the FWG-LCIPP

Written input to the 18th meeting of the AC by the PCCB

4. (b) Advice to the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP)

FCCC/SBSTA/2020/INF.1 - Progress in implementing activities under the NWP on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Report by the secretariat

PresentationNWP progress report to AC18

5. Addressing mandates from the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA)

5. (a) Global Goal on Adaptation

AC18/TP/5A - Technical paper on approaches to reviewing the overall progress made in achieving the global goal on adaptation

Presentation introducing the document under this agenda item

Summary outcome

The secretariat and members will compile comments in the document on the MSTeams space by end of next week. Observers and members who cannot access MSTeams are invited to send their comments to the secretariat.

The issue leads will then further advance the document. Issue leads, with the support of the secretariat, will prepare a summary annex with an overview of the document for easier consideration.

The AC will consider organizing an expert meeting/webinar next spring to help the AC's consideration of the matter, preferably in line with planned events.

5. (b) Adaptation Communications: Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating adaptation information

AC18/GUID/5B - Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating information in accordance with the possible elements of an adaptation communication

Presentation introducing the document under this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC took note of an update on interactions between the AC and IPCC WGII representatives on this mandate and the mandate on methodologies for assessing adaptation needs.  The Co-Chairs will explore possibilities for further engaging the IPCC on these mandates for the consideration of the AC.

The secretariat and members will compile comments in the document on the MSTeams space by end of next week, including on the structure. Observers and members who cannot access MSTeams are invited to send their comments to the secretariat.

The issue leads will then advise the secretariat on how to proceed with the next version of the draft supplementary guidance.

5. (c)  Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs

AC18/INFO/5C - Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs. Information note

Presentation introducing the document under this agenda item

Summary outcome

The secretariat and members will compile comments on the guiding questions in the document on the MSTeams space by end of next week. Observers and members who cannot access MSTeams are invited to send their comments to the secretariat.

The secretariat will launch the call for submissions by the end of November.

The issue leads will work further with the co-chairs and the secretariat to improve the inventory, including through updating the hyperlinks to the tools and removing those that are no longer valid.

5. (d)  Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties

AC18/SREP/5D - Synthesis report on how developing countries are addressing hazards, focusing on relevant lessons learned and good practices in the context of the recognition of adaptation efforts of developing countries

Summary outcome

The AC took note of progress made on the synthesis report.  It approved the document with minor editorial revisions and requested the secretariat to produce and share a user-friendly version for broad dissemination before the end of the year.

5. (e)  Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

AC-LEG/INFO/1 - Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support   

Presentation introducing the document under this agenda item

Summary outcome

The secretariat and members will compile comments in the document on the MSTeams space by end of next week, including on next steps. Observers and members who cannot access MSTeams are invited to send their comments to the secretariat.

The AC agreed to include submissions received by AC19.

The issue leads will then work with the secretariat to produce a revised version by the end of December in line with the mandate. The AC Co-Chairs will convey the outcome of these discussions to the LEG and invite the SCF to collaborate on the next steps.

5. (f)  Information collection and preparation for the Global Stocktake

AC18/INFO/5F Progress made and outline: Synthesis report on the information identified in paragraph 36 of decision 19/CMA.1

Presentation introducing the document under this agenda item

Summary outcome

The secretariat and members will compile comments on the outline of the AC’s synthesis report in a document featuring the full background and proposed outline on the MSTeams space by end of next week. Observers and members who cannot access MSTeams are invited to send their comments to the secretariat.

The AC requested its Co-Chairs to continue to liaise with other constituted bodies.

It also requested the issue leads to finalize the outline by AC19, and to request the secretariat to prepare a first draft of the report by AC20 based on the outline.

6. Work of the Adaptation Committee’s working group on the Technical Examination Process on Adaptation (TEP-A)


Summary outcome

The AC welcomed the progress report by the Co-Chair on activities conducted in 2020 and noted with appreciation the joint TEP-A and TEP-M event on 26 November.

The AC welcomed the useful discussions and outcomes of the TEP-A, in particular in informing the work of the AC. It emphasized the important role that the TEP-A has played in identifying concrete opportunities for strengthening resilience, reducing vulnerabilities, and increasing the understanding and implementation of adaptation actions.

7. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action

7. (a) Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans (NAP Taskforce)


7. (b)  Data for short-, medium- and long-term adaptation 

AC18/TP/7B - Technical paper on data for adaptation at different spatial and temporal scales

8. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on means of implementation

8. (a) Capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding

AC18/INFO/8A - Capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding. Information note

8. (b) Technologies for adaptation

AC18/BCKINFO/8B - Background note for a technical paper on the application of technologies for an adaptation priority topic

Presentation introducing the document under this agenda item

Summary outcome

The AC considered a background note prepared by the secretariat, including a suggested topic.

It agreed to further refine the topic based on a first broad proposal, namely “Priorities and needs: technologies for adaptation for agriculture, water resources and coastal zones, focusing on stakeholder engagement and regulatory issues pertaining to the development, transfer and uptake of technologies”.

Additional inputs from the AC are sought by 20th November. The interested AC members are to suggest a revised topic to the AC by 15 December, and the AC is then to agree on the final topic by 30th of December after which the secretariat with interested AC members will prepare a first draft for consideration by AC19.

8. (c) Input to the Standing Committee on Finance for the preparation of the draft decisions on guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism

9. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information

Summary outcome

The AC took note of a progress report by the secretariat on AC publications and events in 2020.

For its outreach event in the context of the Climate Dialogues it agreed on the following two focus areas to be discussed in consecutive groups: 1. GGA; and 2. adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support.  The co-chairs will share the guiding questions with the AC, along with a concept note for input.

The AC further agreed to respond positively to the invitations it receives for participation in events during the Climate Dialogues. Issue leads should primarily be assigned to meetings within their area of responsibility. For overarching topics, the Co-Chairs will attend or identify nominees.

The AC took note of two products that were finalized in the inter-sessional period and requested the secretariat to issue them in a user-friendly publication format:

  • Technical paper on data for adaptation at different spatial and temporal scales
  • Synthesis report on how developing countries are addressing hazards, focusing on relevant lessons learned and good practices in the context of the recognition of adaptation efforts of developing countries (as discussed yesterday and correcting two editorial mistakes).

10. 2020 Report of the Adaptation Committee


Summary outcome

The secretariat will complete the draft report with the outcomes and agreements of AC18 by tomorrow, Friday 13 November.

AC members are invited to include additional changes into the draft report by COB next Tuesday.

It requested the secretariat to share the completed draft with the AC for approval by 20 November.

11. Organization of inter-sessional work

Summary outcome

The AC exchanged views and experiences on its online collaboration space on MSTeams. It agreed to continue inter-sessional work using its MSTeams space. It requested the secretariat to enhance clarity with regard to version control and changes, including at what point documents are transferred to the public website. The AC also requested the secretariat to implement the suggested improvements to the AC’s Teams space, and to compile clear guidance for AC members on how to use the MSTeams space (‘MSTeams Etiquette’).

The AC considered a note by the Co-Chairs on COVID19 and climate change adaptation and agreed to provide comments by end of next week. The Co-Chairs will then finalize the note and share it widely.

The AC agreed on its members of working groups, leads and contributors of individual items as well as members nominated as liaisons with other constituted bodies. The list will remain open to any further changes.

12. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on 16-19 March 2021 as the anticipated date for its 19th meeting. Flexibility will be applied if this allows the AC to meet in person.

13. Any other matters

The AC agreed to hold a separate meeting with a representative of the secretariat’s legal department to approve the amendment to the rules of procedure and clarify any questions on the oath of service.

14. Closure of the meeting