Capacity-building for the ETF – urgent needs and experiences Concept Note
10 Nov. 2022
12:20h - 13:20h
Virtual event
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Capacity-building Hub , Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center
Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center
Capacity-building for the ETF – urgent needs and experiences Concept Note
10 Nov. 2022
12:20h - 13:20h
Virtual event
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt / Virtual
Virtual Egypt
Capacity-building Hub , Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center
Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center
gggi 2 cop27
gggi cop27


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Several countries have submitted their updated NDCs outlining their ambitions last year, despite the impacts of the COVID pandemic that are still being felt by the most vulnerable of communities. The countries should now start implementing actions to achieve their targets and goals, and measure them to transparently, accurately and completely (to the extent feasible) report them in their first biennial transparency reports (BTR) due by the end of 2024, a mere two years away. Building upon their experience with the previous transparency mechanism that sowed the seeds of transparency reporting, they should now spend these oncoming couple of years to create the systems required that enables them to focus on data analysis, rather than on data collection. Pieces of the modalities, procedures, and guidelines that all the Parties have agreed to, the first of which were finalized at Katowice in 2018, were completely put in place at Glasgow last year. This year also covers the first portion of the Global Stocktake, scheduled to conclude next year, during which the world will analyze the results of these collective actions to set the tone for the climate action required for the next years to come.


The Global Green Growth Institute has been assisting its Member and Partner countries since 2017 along with several other development partners in building their capacities and systems to prepare for the new transparency regime, and 2022 marked another year of this continued support across the globe. Developing countries should build their capacities at a rapid pace to ensure they have sufficient technical expertise to meet their reporting obligations by end of 2024. GGGI intends to present its experience in building capacities of several types of experts targeting the different range of experts needed by developing countries, from individuals to entities, to institutionalized capacity-building programs that help propagate this knowledge.



Sharing the experience of capacity-building in

  • LT LEDS work in Ethiopia
  • building the ETF MRV System in Burkina Faso
  • creating an innovative Train the Trainer program in Myanmar
  • individuals from the UNFCCC’s Roster of Experts program


Structure & Speakers


Time 12.20-13.20

Segments & Speakers
25 min

Round table discussions

  • Benti Firdissa Dugassa, Director National MRV System Directorate Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission, Government of Ethiopia
  • Helena McLeod, Deputy Director-General, Head of GGP&I, GGGI
  • Dr. Malle Fofana, Director and Head of Programs, Africa, GGGI
  • Laura Jalasjoki, Country Representative - Burkina Faso, GGGI

Moderated by Gebru Jember Endalew, Regional Lead - Climate Change Instruments, MRV and Institutional Strengthening, GGGI 

5 min

Q&A Session

30 min

Presentations by

  • Dr. Malle Fofana, Director and Head of Programs, Africa, GGGI

    “Developing MRV system for enhanced transparency and climate action monitoring in Burkina Faso.”
    He will present the experience of developing the MRV system in Burkina Faso and on creating the associated knowledge products.
  • Dr. Aaron Russell, GGGI

    "Institutionalizing capacity-building programs – experience with Train the Trainer program in Myanmar.”
    GGGI spent about four years first building the institutional arrangements under the ETF, and then later the Train the Trainer program in Myanmar. The AVI / GGGI representative will give a stand-up talk on how the ToT program was designed and delivered, and the lessons learnt in its creation.
  • Hansrajie Sukhdeo, GGGI

    “Capacity-Building Opportunities – UNFCCC’s Roster of Experts.”
    She will cover the experience of training under the UNFCCC’s Roster of Experts, and how it enabled individuals to gain individual expertise to review the reports submitted by developing and developed countries. She shares personal experience of how an individual can benefit from the capacity building opportunities.

Key Outcomes

  • Country-ownership is key in developing MRV systems.
  • Gender-balance is important in mainstreaming crosscutting issues in MRV processes.
  • Sharing experiences of MRV systems and processes builds capacities for further climate action.