June Momentum for Climate Change
05 Jun 2020
9th meeting of the Durban Forum on capacity-building

Time: 14:00 -17:00 CEST

Type: Open (link to live webcast)

Format: Special address and panel discussion followed by breakout group discussions


This year's Durban Forum will deal with the issue of capacity-building to support the enhanced transparency framework – ensuring coherence and coordination of actions and support.
Lead Speakers
Concept note
Guiding questions for breakout groups


- Ready for the BTR? Implications of the MGPs adopted in Katowice for developing countries in terms of building or strengthening capacities: needs and gaps
- What are the lessons learned, both in terms of actions undertaken and support received, in developing countries as regards capacity-building for MRV that could be useful toward the implementation of the Paris Agreement's Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)?
- How to assess and improve the effectiveness of the capacity-building actions.
- Promoting and improving coherence and coordination of capacity-building actions at the national and international levels to enhance support for the implementation of the ETF.


2.00 –2.10 p.m.    Opening 

Opening remarks   

  • Marianne Karlsen
    Chair of the SBI




  • Edith Ofwona Adera
    Senior Program Specialist, International Development Research Centre

  • Roberta Ianna
    member of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building

2.10–2.30 p.m.     Special address: Transparency in the new climate regime

  • Enhanced transparency framework, the relevant MPGs and BTRs

  • Needs and gaps in relation to the enhanced transparency framework

  • Jigme & Xuehong Wang
    UNFCCC secretariat

  • Alyssa Ng
    Representative of the Consultative Group of Experts

2.30–3.30 p.m.    Panel discussion and Q&A  

Panel discussion

  • What major lessons learned from MRV, including from the international consultation and analysis process, could benefit implementation of the enhanced transparency framework?

  • How can we benefit from South–South cooperation in the transition period?

  • What are essential elements of promoting and improving coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities, and how can these elements be incorporated into supporting the enhanced transparency framework?

  • What could be done and by whom to assess and improve the effectiveness of capacity-building support and action?   


  • Edith Ofwona Adera
    Senior Program Specialist, International Development Research Centre


  • Clifford Mahlung
    Representative of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) negotiation group. 

  • Sandra Motshwanedi
    Representative of the Government of South Africa

  • Juliet Meredith
    Representative of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of the COP 26 presidency

  • Damiano Borgogno
    Representative of United Nations Development Programme

  • Fabian Klemme
    Representative of Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PAPTA-GIZ)

3.30–4.30 p.m.    Breakout group discussions

Breakout group one

Breakout group two

Ready for the BTR? Implications of the relevant MPGs adopted in Katowice for developing countries in terms of building or strengthening capacity: needs and gaps

Discussion leader

  • Damiano Borgogno
    Representative of the Consultative Group of Experts  

Lessons learned, in relation to both action taken and support received, in developing countries as regards capacity-building for MRV that could be useful in implementing the enhanced transparency framework

Discussion leader

  • Henning Wuester
    Representative of the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency

Breakout group three  

Breakout group four

Assessing and improving the effectiveness of capacity-building action

Discussion leader

  • Chisa Umemiya
    Representative of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies 

Promoting and improving coherence and coordination of capacity-building action at the national and international level to enhance support for implementing the enhanced transparency framework

Discussion leader

  • Yamide Dagnet
    Representative of the World Resources Institute

4.30–4.50 p.m.     Feedback from discussion leaders of the breakout groups