June Momentum for Climate Change
10 Jun 2020
7th Meeting of Lead Reviewers for the Review of Biennial Reports and National Communications



Time: 12:00 - 15:00 CEST

Type: Closed

Format: Conducted remotely with virtual participation of the Lead Reviewers for the Review of Biennial Reports and National Communications

Description: The secretariat facilitates annual meetings of lead reviewers for Biennial Reports and National Communications in accordance decision 13/CP.20 and its annex. These meetings provide an important opportunity to harness the LRs experience in undertaking reviews to help improve the quality, efficiency and consistency of the reviews, including through the preparation of a Review Practice Guidance. The 7th meeting of the NC/BR lead reviewers, scheduled for 9–10 June 2020 will be extraordinary and unique because for the first time it will be conducted remotely with the LRs’ virtual participation.”

Agenda Draft Agenda
Conclusions and recommendations Conclusions and recommendations
List of participants List of participants
Review Practice Guidance 2020 and Background papers (Input to the meeting)

Review Practice Guidance 2020

Completeness and Transparency Assessment of Information Reported in Technical Review Reports of 3rd Biennial Reports – 2020 Update

Assessment of Information Related to Impacts of Policies and Measures Reported in Technical Review Reports of Third Biennial Reports

Reference Manual DRAFT Reference Manual for the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement
Recorded Presentations

COP25 in Madrid and Outlook to COP26: Big picture, outcome on transparency and what this means for the review process – Katia Simeonova, Manager, Transparency Division

The International Consultation and Analysis (ICA): Process: foundation for the enhanced transparency framework – Xuehong Wang, Team Lead, Transparency Division

Tuesday, 9 June
IAR experience so far and approach to BR4 review cycle
Navigating the transition from the current MRV systems to the Enhanced Transparency Framework


Wednesday, 10 June
2020 Review Practice Guidance
RPG 2020: Review issues of a cross-cutting nature
RPG 2020: Review issues related to policies and measures
RPG 2020: Review issues related to target, progress to target and projections



Veronica Colerio
Mandated event