Chronology - National Adaptation Plans

This page provides information on the negotiations related to national adaptation plans (NAPs)

SBI 60, 3-13 June 2024, Bonn

The SBI will be invited to initiate consideration of the assessment of progress with a view to recommending a draft decision thereon for consideration and adoption at COP 29.

Documents for the session:

FCCC/SBI/2024/10: Progress towards the achievement of the objectives of the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans, as well as experience, best practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs, and support provided and received. Synthesis report by the secretariat

FCCC/SBI/2024/12: Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Report by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group in collaboration with the Adaptation Committee

SBI 59, 30-12 December, Dubai

The SBI considered progress, challenges, gaps and needs in relation to the formulation and implementation of NAPs and related information provided by the AC and the LEG at this session, and it was agreed to continue consideration of this matter at SBI 60.

Documents for the session:

FCCC/SBI/2023/17: The 44th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat

FCCC/SBI/2023/18: Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat

FCCC/SB/2023/5: Report of the Adaptation Committee

Related events:

Transformation towards accelerated implementation of National Adaptation Plans, Monday, 4 December 2023

NAP side event: Key milestones and achievements, Friday, 8 December 2023

SBI 58, 5-15 June 2023, Bonn

The SBI considered information on progress, challenges, gaps and needs in relation to the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans and related information provided by the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. It decided to continue consideration of this matter at SBI 59 (November–December 2023), including on the basis of the draft text elements prepared by the co-facilitators.

Documents for the session:

FCCC/SBI/2023/7: The 43rd meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat
FCCC/SBI/2022/19: Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat

SBI 57, 06 - 12 Nov. 2022, Sharm el-Sheikh

The SBI continued the consideration of information from the reports of the AC and the LEG, including on gaps and needs and the implementation of national adaptation
plans, on the basis of the draft text elements prepared by the co-facilitators at SBI 52–55, with a view to recommending a draft decision for consideration and adoption at COP 27.

Documents for the session:

FCCC/SB/2022/5:  Report of the Adaptation Committee
FCCC/SBI/2022/18:  The 42nd meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert. Group. Report by the secretariat
FCCC/SBI/2022/19:  Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat

Related event:
Technical meeting for the implementation of NAPs, Friday, 11 Nov 2022

SBI 56, 6-16 June 2022, Bonn

The SBI continued consideration of the information from the reports of the AC and the LEG, including on gaps and needs and the implementation of national adaptation
plans on the basis of the draft text elements prepared by the co-facilitators at SBI 52–55, and again decided to continue its consideration at SBI 57, on the basis of the same draft text elements from SBI 52–55, with a view to recommending a draft decision for consideration and adoption at COP 27.

Outcome: FCCC/SBI/2022/L.16

Documents for the session:

FCCC/SBI/2022/6: The 41st meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat
FCCC/SBI/2021/INF.7: Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat
FCCC/SBI/2020/INF.13/Rev.1: Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat

Related event:
Technical meeting for the implementation of national adaptation plans (NAPs) Thursday, 9 June 2022

SBI 52-55, October-November 2021, Glasgow

The SBI initiated consideration of information from the reports of the AC and the LEG, including on gaps and needs and the implementation of NAPs, and decided to continue its consideration of this matter at SBI 56 on the basis of the draft text elements prepared by the co-facilitators, with a view to recommending a draft decision on the matter for consideration and adoption at COP 27.

Documents for the session:

  • The 40th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2021/13)
  • Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat
  • (FCCC/SBI/2020/INF.13/Rev.1)
  • Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2021/INF.7)

2021 session of the SBI (May-June), Virtual meeting

Parties engaged in informal consultations to discuss information from the reports of the AC and the LEG, including on gaps and needs and the implementation of national adaptation plans (NAPs).

Documents for the session:

  • Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat
  • The 39th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat
  • The 38th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat
  • Report of the Adaptation Committee (2020) (FCCC/SB/2020/2)
  • Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat
  • (eighth) Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat
    (FCCC/CP/2019/3 and Add.1)

SBI 51 / COP 25, December 2019, Madrid

SBI 51 will consider information from the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group on the gaps and needs related to the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs) and how to address them, as well as on the implementation of NAPs. It will also consider information on progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

Documents for the session:

  • The 36th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2019/16)
  •  Report of the Adaptation Committee (FCCC/SB/2019/3)
  • Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2019/INF.15)
  • Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/CP/2019/3)
  • Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/CP/2019/5)

Related events:
LEG side event: Work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation, Tuesday, 3 December 2019

SBI 49 / COP 24, December 2018, Katowice

SBI 49 continued consideration of the assessment of progress made in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs), which was initiated at SBI 48. It also continued the consideration, initiated at SBI 45, of how to enhance reporting related to the process to formulate and implement NAPs.
Outcome: Decision 8/CP.24

Documents for the session:

  • The 34th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2018/18)
  • Report of the Adaptation Committee (FCCC/SB/2018/3)
  • Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat

Related events:
LEG side event entitled "Work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation", Tuesday, 4 December 2018

SBI 48, 30 April to 10 May 2018, Bonn

SBI 48 assessed progress made in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (NAPs) on the basis of the following:

(a) Submissions of information from Parties and relevant organizations;

(b) Information provided by Parties via questionnaire on NAP Central;

(c) A synthesis report prepared by the secretariat on progress made towards the achievement of the objectives of the process to formulate and implement NAPs, experience, best practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs, and support provided and received in the process to formulate and implement NAPs;

(d) The outcomes of a meeting of Party experts organized by the LEG in collaboration with the AC, at which the report referred to in item c above will be considered;

(e) A report on the meeting referred to in item d above, prepared by the LEG in collaboration with the AC and with the support of the secretariat, for consideration at SBI 48.

The SBI considered the documents prepared for the session and to initiate its consideration of this matter with a view to making recommendations thereon for consideration and adoption by the COP, as appropriate.

Documents for the session:


Summary of progress made in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans


Progress, experience, best practices, lessons learned, gaps, needs and support provided and received in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans


Adaptation Committee workshop on accessing the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme of the Green Climate Fund for adaptation

SBI 47 / COP 23, November 2017, Bonn

By decision 5/CP.17, the COP requested the secretariat, consistent with Article 8 of the Convention, to collect, compile and synthesize information needed by the SBI to monitor and evaluate the progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, drawing upon the information referred to in paragraphs 32–35 of the same decision. As part of its work programme for 2017–2018, the LEG produced an information paper on progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, for consideration at SBI 47. The SBI will be invited to continue its consideration of this matter and to determine further actions, as appropriate.

Documents for the session:

  • The 32nd meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2017/14 and Add.1)
  • Report of the Adaptation Committee (FCCC/SB/2017/2)
  • Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2017/INF.12)

Related events:

Work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation, Tuesday 7 November 2017 from 18:30 to 20:00, meeting room 9, Bonn zone.

SBI 46, May 2017, Bonn

SBI 44 (May 2016) considered how to enhance reporting related to the process to formulate and implement NAPs and agreed that the consideration of this matter would continue at SBI 46 taking into account relevant activities to be considered under the APA.

SBI 46 agreed to continue consideration of this matter at its forty-ninth session (December 2018) taking into account activities being considered under other relevant agenda items.

SBI 45 / COP 22, November 2016, Marrakech

SBI 45 considered progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs, and respective reports from the Least Developed Countries Expert Group and the Adaptation Committee on their respective work on accessing funding from the Green Climate Fund for the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

Documents for the session:

  • The 30th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2016/18)
  • Report of the Adaptation Committee (FCCC/SB/2016/2)
  • Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2016/INF.11)
  • Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/CP/2016/6)
  • Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/CP/2016/7)

Related events:


SBI 44, May 2016, Bonn

SBI 42 (June 2015) initiated consideration of options for enhancing reporting related to the process to formulate and implement NAPs and agreed to continue that consideration at SBI 44 taking into account relevant information (FCCC/SBI/2015/10, paragraph 75).

COP 21 requested the LEG and the Adaptation Committee to consider how they can provide more information on accessing funding from the Green Climate Fund for the process to formulate and implement NAPs and to include such information, as appropriate, in their reports (Decision 4/CP.21, paragraph 10).

Documents for the session:

  • The 29th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Report by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2016/7)
  • Report on the workshop on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement NAPs (FCCC/SBI/2015/INF.6)

SBI 43 / COP 21, November-December 2015, Paris

SBI 43 continued its consideration on the monitoring and evaluation of progress made in the process to formulate and implement NAPs on the basis of the notes contained in document FCCC/SBI/2015/10, Annex II with a view to recommending a draft decision for consideration and adoption at COP 21.

Documents for the session:

  • Report on the 28th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2015/19) andCorr.1
  • Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/CP/2015/4)
  • Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/CP/2015/3)
  • Report of the Adaptation Committee (FCCC/SB/2015/2)
  • Progress in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2015/INF.11)
  • Information paper on the NAP Expo and the regional training workshops on national adaptation plans: experiences, good practices and lessons learned in addressing adaptation in the least developed countries. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2015/INF.14)

Outcomes: The decision that was adopted under the COP is decision 4/CP.21.


SBI 42, June 2015, Bonn

The SBI considered the monitoring and evaluation of progress made, and how to enhance reporting related to the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

The Adaptation Committee and the LEG reported on their progress on the mandate on how best to support developing countries Parties in accessing funding from the GCF for the process to formulate and implement NAPs.

Documents for the session:

  • Report on the 27th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat. (FCCC/SBI/2015/7)
  • Report on the workshop on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2015/INF.6)
  • Information paper on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/204/INF.14)
  • Information paper on the national adaptation plan process. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2014/INF.25)
  • Report on the Adaptation Committee (FCCC/SB/2014/2)


The conclusions that were adopted by the SBI at this session can be found in the SBI 42 report (document FCCC/SBI/2015/10, pages 14-17).

SBI 41/COP 20, December 2014, Lima

At its forty-first session, the SBI continued its discussions on experiences from Parties and relevant organizations on their experiences with the application of the initial guidelines for the formulation of NAPs.

The documents considered were:

  • Information paper on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (FCCC/SBI/2014/INF.14)

  • Information paper on the national adaptation plan process. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2014/INF.25).
  • Report on the 26th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2014/13).
  • Report of the Adaptation Committee (FCCC/SB/2014/2).
  • Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/CP/2014/2).


The conclusions that were adopted by the SBI at this session can be found in the SBI report, page 18.
The decision that was adopted under the COP is decision 3/CP.20.


SBI 40, June 2014, Bonn

The SBI will be invited to consider the initial guidelines for the formulation of NAPs and the documents prepared for the session in preparing recommendations for consideration and adoption at COP 20.

The documents to be considered are:

  • Report on the 25th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat. (FCCC/SBI/2014/4)
  • Experience with the application of the initial guidelines for the formulation of the national adaptation plans. Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations (FCCC/SBI/2014/Misc.1).

SBI 39/ COP 19, November 2013, Warsaw

At its thirty-ninth session, the SBI considered the guidelines for the formulation of NAPs and the documents prepared for the session, in preparing recommendations for consideration and adoption at COP 19.

The documents considered were:

  • A miscellaneous document of submissions from Parties and relevant organizations on experience with the application of the guidelines for the NAP process for the LDC Parties (FCCC/SBI/2013/MISC.2 and


  • A synthesis report on experience with the application of the guidelines for the NAP process in the LDC Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2013/9).
  • Report on the 23rd meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2013/8).
  • Report on the 24th meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2013/15).
  • Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/CP/2013/3).


The conclusions that were adopted by the SBI at this session can be found in the SBI report, page 19.
The decision that was adopted under the COP is decision 18/CP.19.

SBI 38, June 2013, Bonn

The documents that were prepared for SBI 38 are:

  • A miscellaneous document of submissions from Parties and relevant organizations on experience with the application of the guidelines for the NAP process for the LDC Parties (FCCC/SBI/2013/MISC.2 and


  • A synthesis report on experience with the application of the guidelines for the NAP process in the LDC Parties. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2013/9).
  • Report on the 23rd meeting of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2013/8).

The NAP Expo took place on 9 June 2013. For more information, please click here.

SBI 37/COP18, November/December 2012, Doha

At SBI 37, Parties continued to consider guidance on policies and programmes to enable support for the NAP process for the LDC Parties.

The SBI had before it the draft decision contained in the addendum to the report (FCCC/SBI/2012/15/Add.2), page 18, as a basis for discussion. It also considered the relevant documents listed below:


The conclusions that were adopted by the SBI at this session can be found in document FCCC/SBI/2012/33.

The decision that was adopted under the COP is decision 12/CP.18.

SBI 36, Bonn, May 2012, Bonn

At SBI 36, Parties considered guidance on policies and programmes to enable support for the NAP process for the LDC Parties.

Based on decision 5/CP.17, the SBI considered this item taking into account the guidance in decision 27/CP.7 and a synthesis report based on submissions made by February 2012 by Parties, UN organizations, and other relevant organizations/agencies; and also taking into account other relevant decisions on financial support under the Convention; for consideration by the COP at its eighteenth session.

The documents considered at SBI 36 were as follows:

  • A miscellaneous document of information on how organizations and agencies have responded to the invitation to support the NAP process in the LDCs and consider establishing support programmes (FCCC/SBI/2012/MISC.1);

  • A miscellaneous document of information on support to the NAP process in the least developed countries (FCCC/SBI/2012/MISC.2 and FCCC/SBI/2012/MISC.2/Add.1);

  • Information from the Global Environment Facility, as an operating entity of the financial mechanism for the operation of the Least Developed Countries Fund, on how it could enable activities undertaken as part of the national adaptation plan process in the least developed countries (FCCC/SBI/2012/MISC.3.)


The conclusions that were adopted by the SBI at this session can be found in document FCCC/SBI/2012/15.

SBI 35/COP 17 in Durban, November/December 2011

At SBI 35, Parties considered modalities and guidelines for the NAP process, based on decision 1/CP.16, paragraphs 15-18.

The SBI had before it:

  • The report on the expert meeting on the process and the modalities and guidelines for the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2011/12);
  • Views on the process and the modalities and guidelines for national adaptation plans. Submissions from Parties and intergovernmental organizations (FCCC/SBI/2011/MISC.7);
  • The synthesis report on the process and the modalities and guidelines for national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBI/2011/13).


The decision that was adopted under the COP is decision 5/CP.17. This decision includes, in the annex, the initial guidelines for the NAP process.

SBI 34, Bonn June 2011

At SBI 34, Parties started the discussion on NAPs, under the Cancun Adaptation Framework (CAF), based on a request from the COP at its sixteenth session.

They initiated the discussion under two sub-items:

a) A process to enable least developed country Parties to formulate and implement national adaptation plans, building upon their experience in preparing and implementing national adaptation programmes of action;

b) Modalities and guidelines for least developed country Parties and other developing country Parties to employ the modalities formulated to support national adaptation plans.


The conclusions that were adopted by the SBI at this session can be found in document FCCC/SBI/2011/7.
