Submissions and statements

The Submission and Statement Portal is a public site. The submissions and statements can be accessed easily through filters and a search function, which includes searching the documents' content. Uploading submissions and statements is however limited to certain groups. Please refer to the information under Parties and non-Party stakeholders below for further details.

The portal includes submissions from Parties since July 2014 - earlier submissions, including those from non-Party stakeholders, can be found under the respective "archive" sections below.

The portal also includes the outcomes of COP 23/CMP 13/CMA 1.2, SBSTA 47, SBI 47 and APA 1-4. Parties, as well as non-Party stakeholders, may upload their submissions at their earliest convenience. Calls for upcoming sessions can easily be identified under the relevant section.




Parties to the UNFCCC agreed that requests for submission of information and views could be extended to non-governmental organizations where appropriate and that they would be made available on the secretariat website (FCCC/SBI/2010/27, paragraph 148 and FCCC/SBI/2004/10, paragraph 104).

Furthermore, Parties invited presiding officers of the subsidiary bodies and constituted bodies to make greater use of inputs by non-Party stakeholders (NPS) through submissions and invited the secretariat to further enhance Parties’ access to submissions from NPS (FCCC/SBI/2017/L.10, paragraph 19). Please note that NPS submissions will not be issued as official documents in order not to expand the volume of documentation.


Presiding officers of the respective negotiating bodies regularly provide opportunities for NGO Constituencies to make statements in the plenary. Such opportunities are communicated by the secretariat to the Constituency Focal Points, who can now also upload electronic copies of written statements in the Submission and Statement Portal. While the length of statements delivered during plenary meetings are usually limited to two minutes, a longer version of the statements may be uploaded on the portal.


Uploading submissions and statements


Organizations with observer status

The Submission and Statement Portal provides a platform for observer organizations (United Nations System entities, admitted intergovernmental organizations, and admitted non-governmental organizations) to upload submissions and statements. Before the first upload, an account has to be created by the observer organization’s Designated Contact Point. Please refer to the user manual for observer organizations for further details, including account creation and formatting.

Non-Party stakeholders without observer status

Non-Party stakeholders without observer status are welcome to make submissions in response to a specific call for submissions. Due to technical reasons, such entities cannot use the Submission Portal for uploading their statements. Non-Party stakeholders without observer status are invited to send their submissions, per the guidelines below, to the UNFCCC secretariat by email to Received submissions will go through a clearing process and cleared submissions will then be published in the Submission and Statement Portal.

Guidelines for submissions from non-Party stakeholders without observer status:

  1. Submissions should clearly indicate which mandate they are in response to. For the exact reference, please find the respective call in the Submission and Statement Portal.
  2. The letterhead must carry the name, logo and contact details of the organization.
  3. Please do not use any special characters (e.g. # % & { } \ < > * ? / $ ! ' “ : @) and do not exceed a maximum of 31 characters for the file name and keep to a maximum of 10 MB per file to ensure proper processing of the file.
  4. PDF version of the submission has to be sent by email to
