Call for input 2023 - Issues included in the annotated agenda and related annexes of the seventh meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body


According to the rules of procedure of the Supervisory Body for the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement (Annex II to decision 7/CMA.4, paragraph 52), the Supervisory Body shall receive public comments including from stakeholders, on meeting documentation until one week prior to the meeting, unless otherwise decided by the Chair. 

Input Requested  

The Article 6.4 Supervisory Body invites stakeholders to provide input on the issues covered in the annotated agenda and related annexes of its seventh meeting. The call for input is open until 3 September 2023.

Please note the extended deadline for input on the following annexes to the annotated agenda:  
For annex 13 and annex 14, the deadline for input is 5 September 2023
For annex 6, the deadline for input is 6 September 2023.
For annex 10, annex 11, annex 12 and annex 15, the deadline for input is 7 September 2023.


Submission Details  

Stakeholders are encouraged to submit their input to the Supervisory Body via email. When sending the email, please use the subject line: SB 007 annotated agenda and related annexes.


The call is now closed. Please contact the secretariat at for any queries.
The received inputs are publicly available in the table below and will be considered by the Supervisory Body.

Date Submission
9 September 2023 International Emissions Trading Association(IETA)-removals
9 September 2023 Conservation International-removals
7 September 2023 Center for International Environmental Law-removals
7 September 2023 C-Capsule-removals
4 September 2023 Rahul Rai-transition  of CDM activities
4 September 2023 Ecoeye-transition of CDM activities 
3 September 2023 SustainCERT-validation and verification standard 
3 September 2023 44moles_activity standard for projects
3 September 2023 Lee Geun Hye-activity standard for projects
3 September 2023 Vinay Deodhar-accreditation standard 
1 September 2023 Gregg Marland - temporary C storage and peak warming
1 September 2023 Eric Marland-removals
1 September 2023 Carbon Market Watch (Resubmission)-appeal and grievance 
30 August 2023  Sustainable Development Initiative-SD tool