Call for input 2023 - Structured public consultation: Requirements for the development and assessment of mechanism methodologies


The Article 6.4 mechanism Supervisory Body is seeking inputs, based on agreed questions, to the requirements for the development and assessment of mechanism methodologies (see Annex 10 to the SB004 annotated agenda) and previous inputs in this area as contained in the documents referred under the document history box (see last page) of Annex 10 to the SB004 annotated agenda.

This work is being carried out in response to a request of the CMA (decision 3/CMA.3, paragraph 6(d)). The Supervisory Body, at its fourth meeting, requested the secretariat to launch a call for public inputs with a view to seeking further input from stakeholders (see SB004 meeting report, paragraph 21). This structured public consultation is being conducted as per the request of the CMA, through its decision -/CMA.4, paragraph 19. 

Open Call 

The call for inputs from stakeholders is open from 16 March to 6 April 2023 (extended to 11 April 2023).

Stakeholders should provide input in response to the agreed questions.
The subject heading of the email should be: Call for input 2023 - development and assessment of mechanism methodologies.

The call is now closed

Please contact Supervisory Body at for any queries. 
The inputs received are publicly available and considered by the Supervisory Body. 

Submission Date Submission
13 April IETA (late submission) 
13 April Puro Earth (late submission) 
12 April World Bank
12 April Global CCS Institute 
11 April Carbon Engineering 
11 April 44.01
11 April  Cibola Partners
10 April  Microsoft
6 April  Carbon Market Watch 
6 April Perspectives Climate Research 
6 April Sylvera
6 April CCS+ Initiative
6 April  California Air Resources Board
5 April Unite to Light
5 April  Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits, University of Cambridge
5 April  44.moles GmbH
4 April  Ambachew F. Admassie

