ADP 2-10 in-session calendar and documents - 31 August 2015

31 August 2015

31 Aug

1 Sep

2 Sep

3 Sep

4 Sep

ADP agenda

Monday, 31 August 2015

Compiled working document






Meeting room

Co-Chair / Facilitator

Working document per section

10:00- 11:00

Opening plenary


Plenary Genf

Mr. Djoghlaf

and Mr. Reifsnyder


11:30- 13:00

Facilitated group on adaptation and loss and damage


New York

Ms. Guerrero and
Mr. Borsting

Working document

11:30- 13:00

Facilitated group on general / objective


Nairobi 1-3

H. E. Ms. Black-Layne and Mr. Runge-Metzger

Working document

15:00- 16:30

Facilitated group on mitigation


New York

H. E. Mr Perrez and
H. E. Mr Kwok

Working document

15:00- 16:30

Facilitated group on preamble


Santiago de Chile

Mr. Wamukoya and
Ms. Yoshida

Working document

16:30- 18:00

Facilitated group on implementation and compliance


Tokio 1

Ms. Baashan and
Ms. Yoshida

Working document

16:30- 18:00

Facilitated group on technology development and transfer


Wien 1-2

Mr. Mpanu Mpanu and Mr. Runge-Metzger

Working document

19:00- 21:00

Facilitated group on transparency of action and support


New York

H. E. Mr. Kwok and
H. E. Mr. Perrez

Working document

19:00- 21:00

Facilitated group on workstream 2


Santiago de Chile

Ms. Yoshida and
Mr. Wamukoya

Working document



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