Fifth Biennial Reports - Annex I

Annex I Parties are requested to submit their Biennial Reports (BRs) to the secretariat every two years (decision 2/CP.17). The fifth BR (BR5) should be submitted as early as the annual greenhouse gas inventory submission for the inventory year 2020 is provided to the UNFCCC (e.g., 15 April 2022), but no later than 31 December 2022, in order to provide Parties with the opportunity to include the inventory data in these reports (decision 6/CP.25). Annex I Parties shall use the BR Common Tabular Format (CTF) application when preparing their tabular format of the BRs (decision 19/CP.18). The BR CTF application is accessible only for the nominated national CTF compilers.

From 2017, both, the textual part of BRs and the BR CTF tables (generated from the CTF application) shall be submitted using the submission portal. Questions relating to the use of the submission portal should be addressed to


Party Date of original submission
Fifth Biennial Report (BR) Date of original submission
Fifth Biennial Reporting Common Tabular Format
Australia 22 Dec 2022 BR
22 Dec 2022
22 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
22 Dec 2022
Austria 29 Dec 2022 BR
7 Apr 2023
29 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
22 May 2023
Belarus 30 Dec 2022 BR
30 Dec 2022
30 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
1 Nov 2023
Belgium 21 Dec 2022 BR
21 Dec 2022
21 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
21 Dec 2022
Bulgaria 23 Dec 2022 BR
31 Mar 2023
23 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
31 Mar 2023
Canada 31 Dec 2022 BR
31 Dec 2022
31 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
31 Dec 2022
Croatia 20 Mar 2024 BR
3 May 2024
28 Feb 2024 BR-CTF
3 May 2024
Cyprus 30 Dec 2022 BR
7 Jun 2023
3 Jan 2023 BR-CTF
7 Jun 2023
Czechia 6 Jan 2023 BR
6 Jan 2023
6 Jan 2023 BR-CTF
6 Jan 2023
Denmark 18 Aug 2023 BR
27 Aug 2023
23 Aug 2023 BR-CTF
23 Aug 2023
Estonia 30 Dec 2022 BR
3 Feb 2023
30 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
3 Feb 2023
European Union 20 Dec 2022 BR
20 Dec 2022
20 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
25 Sep 2023
Finland 22 Dec 2022 BR
22 Dec 2022
22 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
22 Dec 2022
France 6 Jan 2023 BR
12 Jul 2023
2 Mar 2023 BR-CTF
31 Aug 2023
Germany 3 Feb 2023 BR5
3 Feb 2023
23 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
28 Sep 2023
Greece 14 Dec 2022 BR
14 Dec 2022
14 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
14 Dec 2022
Hungary 4 Aug 2023 BR
10 May 2024
30 Apr 2024 BR-CTF
30 Apr 2024
Iceland 24 May 2023 BR
24 May 2023
24 May 2023 BR-CTF
7 Feb 2024
Ireland 20 Feb 2023 BR
11 May 2023
20 Feb 2023 BR-CTF
11 May 2023
Italy 30 Dec 2022 BR
30 Dec 2022
30 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
30 Dec 2022
Japan 27 Dec 2022 BR
27 Dec 2022
27 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
27 Dec 2022
Kazakhstan 30 Dec 2022

13 Feb 2023

Additional information
7 Feb 2024

14 Feb 2023 BR-CTF
8 Feb 2024
Latvia 28 Dec 2022 BR
12 Apr 2023
28 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
12 Apr 2023
Liechtenstein 10 Jan 2023 BR
10 Jan 2023
23 Jan 2024 BR-CTF
17 Apr 2024
Lithuania 5 Jan 2023 BR
5 Jan 2023
6 Mar 2023 BR-CTF
6 Mar 2023
Luxembourg 29 Nov 2023

24 Dec 2023

Additional information
29 Mar 2024

5 Dec 2023 BR-CTF
29 Mar 2024
Malta 28 Dec 2022 BR
9 Jun 2023
28 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
9 Jun 2023
Monaco 16 Dec 2022 BR
16 Dec 2022
16 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
31 Mar 2023
Netherlands 2 Dec 2022 BR
2 Dec 2022
2 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
27 Mar 2023
New Zealand 22 Dec 2022 BR
22 Dec 2022
22 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
14 Nov 2023
Norway 21 Dec 2022 BR
30 Mar 2023
21 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
21 Dec 2022
Poland 28 Dec 2022 BR
28 Dec 2022
28 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
28 Dec 2022
Portugal 28 Dec 2022 BR
23 Feb 2024
28 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
23 Feb 2024
Romania 31 Dec 2022 BR
31 Dec 2022
31 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
13 Sep 2023
Russian Federation 1 31 Dec 2022 BR
31 Dec 2022
31 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
31 Dec 2022
Slovakia 3 Feb 2023 BR
3 Feb 2023
3 Feb 2023 BR-CTF
3 Feb 2023
Slovenia 16 Feb 2023 BR
16 Feb 2023
20 Feb 2023 BR-CTF
14 Apr 2023
Spain 14 Dec 2022 BR
14 Dec 2022
14 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
30 Mar 2023
Sweden 3 Mar 2023 BR
8 Oct 2023
6 Mar 2023 BR-CTF
8 Oct 2023
Switzerland 16 Sep 2022 BR
16 Sep 2022
16 Sep 2022 BR-CTF
16 Sep 2022
Türkiye 23 May 2023 BR
6 May 2024
30 May 2023 BR-CTF
6 May 2024
United Kingdom 5 Aug 2022

22 Dec 2022

15 May 2023

22 Dec 2022

16 May 2023

United States of America 29 Dec 2022

29 Dec 2022

4 Apr 2023

Additional information
30 Nov 2023

29 Dec 2022 BR-CTF
24 Nov 2023

Note: All submissions received from Parties are posted “as received”. The publication of Party submissions on this website does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the UNFCCC or the secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries as may be referred to in any of the submissions.

1 Information provided by the Russian Federation. The General Assembly has addressed the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in resolution 68/262 of 27 March 2014.

