Long-term climate finance events in 2017

In-session workshop on long-term climate finance in 2017
Date and time
: Monday 15 May 2017, 10:00-18:00
Venue: Room Nairobi, World Conference Center Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Participation: Open to all Parties and observers attending the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference
Programme Please click here 
Summary Note Please click here 
Full Summary Report Please click here 

Background and objectives:
In accordance with decision 7/CP.22, the in-session workshops on long-term climate finance (LTF) in 2017 and 2018 will, with a view to scaling up climate finance for mitigation and adaptation, focus on experiences and lessons learned from:
    1.  Articulating and translating needs identified in country-driven processes into projects and programmes;
    2.  Roles of policies and enabling environments for mitigation and adaptation finance;
    3.  Facilitating enhanced access.
The main objective of the in-session workshops on long-term climate finance in 2017 and 2018 is to facilitate technical and action-oriented discussions on the topics stated above and generate, in the measure possible, concrete findings and conclusions to be considered by the COP. The outcomes will also inform the deliberations at the high-level ministerial dialogue at the COP in 2018.
In addition to achieving the broader objective mentioned above, the workshop’s sub-objectives are to:
• arrive at a better understanding of how climate finance needs identified and assessed by developing countries can be articulated and translated into projects and programmes, including through international cooperation.
• identify steps and actions that can be undertaken to improve access to climate finance.
• achieve greater clarity on the policy and regulatory environment needed to scale-up climate finance.
Following the workshop, a summary report will be prepared by the secretariat.

Click on icons for biographies Image and Image videos of speakers

Morning session

10:00 – 10:10

Opening RemarksImage
Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC
Ambassador Aziz Mekouar, COP 22 Presidency

10:10 – 10:20

Welcoming remarks by the co-facilitators Image
Ambassador Janine Felson, Belize, and Stefan Schwager, Switzerland

10:20 – 13:00

Segment 1: Articulating and translating needs identified in country-driven processes into projects and programmes
This segment aims to facilitate the sharing of country experiences with regard to the necessary steps and requirements for identifying and assessing climate finance needs and articulating and translating those needs into projects and programmes. It will showcase country examples and provide government representatives, international financial institutions, multilateral climate funds, technical support providers, and the private sector with the opportunity to reflect on their respective roles and to identify challenges and good practices.

10:20 – 10:30

Part I: Scene-setting presentation on current ways for assessing and articulating needs under the Convention
Mariama Williams, South Centre Image
Presentation  Image

10:30 – 11:15

Part II: Case-study discussions on experiences and lessons learnt from identifying and assessing financial needs in the context of NDC and TNA development
A) Experiences in the context of NDC development in Mexico
      •  Juan Carlos Arredondo Brun, Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico Image
 Presentation Image

      •  Amal-Lee Amin, Inter-American Development Bank Image
         (pre-recorded video input)Image
         NDC InvestNDC Invest infographicNDC Invest presentation
      •  Jacob Waslander, NDC Partnership Image
         Presentation Image
B) Experiences in the context of TNA development (country still tbc)
      •  Bubu Pateh Jallow, The Gambia

         Presentation Image
      •  Chizuru Aoki, Global Environment Facility Image

          Presentation Image
      •  Sara Traerup, UNEP-DTU Partnership Image

          Presentation Image
C) Follow-up questions Image

11:15 – 12:00

Part III: Breakout group discussions
      Guiding questions
      •  What steps and actions are needed to further improve the identification and assessment of climate finance needs at country level?
      •  Based on existing lessons learned and best practices, which actions can developing countries and partners take to accelerate the translation of climate finance needs into projects and programmes?
      •  What are countries’ respective support needs?

12:00 – 12:30

Part IV: Report back from the breakout groups Image
 Group 1 
 Group 2 
 Group 3 
 Group 4 

12:30 – 13:00

Part V: Open discussion on translating climate finance needs into action Image

Afternoon session

15:00 – 17:45

Segment 2: Facilitating enhanced access to climate finance
This segment aims to foster dialogue among recipient countries, international financial institutions, multilateral climate funds, the private sector and technical support providers with a view to defining concrete action points to facilitate access to climate finance. The segment will also shed light on best practices and challenges in recipient countries with regard to accessing finance.

15:00 – 15:15

Part I: Scene-setting presentation on key challenges and opportunities to accessing climate finance in developing countries
Gaia Larsen, World Resources Institute Image
 Presentation Image
Future of the Funds: Exploring the Architecture of Multilateral Climate Finance
Direct Access to Climate Finance: Lessons Learned by National Institutions

15:15 – 16:00

Part II: Case-study discussions on accessing climate finance from multilateral climate funds: Experiences from Morocco and the Pacific
A) Experiences in Morocco
      •  Meryem Andaloussi, Agency for Agricultural Development of Morocco Image
          Presentation Image
      •  Juan Hoffmaister, Green Climate Fund
          Presentation Image
      •  Silke Spohn, GIZ Image
          Presentation Image
          Summary slide 
      Questions to panelists - Image
B) Experiences in the Pacific region
      •  Espen Ronneberg, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme Image
          Presentation Image
      •  Silvia Mancini, Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat Image
          Summary slide Image
          Accessing Climate Finance: AF experience 

16:00 – 16:45

Part III: Breakout group discussions
      Guiding questions
      •  What needs to be improved or simplified both at the recipient country level and the fund level to facilitate enhanced and country-driven access to climate finance?
      •  Which further steps and actions are needed to create enabling policy and regulatory environments that help facilitate private climate investments in developing countries and in which areas do countries require support?

16:45 – 17:15

Part IV: Report back from the breakout groups Image
 Group 1 
 Group 2 
 Group 3 
 Group 4 

17:15 – 17:45

Part V: Public/private sector panel discussion on concrete actions to enhance access to climate finance
      •  Peter Glynn, International Chamber of Commerce Image
          Presentation Image
      •  Zaheer Fakir, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa ImageImage
      •  Chizuru Aoki, Global Environment Facility Image
          Presentation Image
      Questions to panelists - Image

17:45 – 18:00

Wrap-up and closure Image
Summary of key conclusions and recommendations

UNFCCC Webinar on the design of the in-session workshop on long-term climate finance in 2017  Wednesday 19 April 2017
First run: 10:00 - 11:00 (Germany Time)
Second run: 16:00 - 17:00 (Germany Time)

This webinar provided the opportunity to Parties and observers to exchange their views and inputs on the organization of the in-session workshop, including on the scope of the thematic discussions.
Participation: This webinar was open to Parties and observers.
Slides: Please click  here (143 kB) to download the slides prepared for the webinar.

If you have any questions, please contact the secretariat at longtermfinance@unfccc.int.

Please click here to go back to the LTF webpage.

