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Symbol Document name Type Publication date
Report on the review of the report upon expiration of the additional period for fulfilling commitments for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol of Cyprus submitted in 2023. Note by the expert review team
True-up period review reports (TPR)
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Report on the technical review of the eighth national communication and the technical review of the fifth biennial report of Cyprus
Official document review reports
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Status report of the annual inventory of Cyprus
Annual status reports (ASR)
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Report on the individual review of the annual submission of Cyprus submitted in 2022. Note by the expert review team
Annual inventory review reports (ARR)
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Status report of the annual inventory of Cyprus
Annual status reports (ASR)
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Cyprus - High-level Segment Statement COP 26
Statements and speeches
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Status report of the annual inventory of Cyprus
Annual status reports (ASR)
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Multilateral Assessment questions and answers Cyprus (May-June 2021 UN Climate Change Conference)
Intersessional documents
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MA June 2021 presentation by Cyprus
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Report on the individual review of the annual submission of Cyprus submitted in 2020. Note by the expert review team
Annual inventory review reports (ARR)
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