Malaysia. Report on the technical assessment of the proposed forest reference level of Malaysia submitted in 2014.

This report covers the technical assessment of the submission of Malaysia, on a voluntary basis, on its proposed forest reference level (FRL), in accordance with decision 13/CP.19 and in the context of results-based payments. The FRL proposed by Malaysia covers the activity “sustainable management of forests”, which is one of the activities included in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70. In its submission, Malaysia has developed a national FRL. The assessment team notes that the data and information used by Malaysia in constructing its FRL is based on currently available data on the basis of a step-wise approach in accordance with the guidelines contained in the annex to decision 12/CP.17. This report contains the assessed FRL and a few areas identified for further technical improvement by the assessment team, according to the scope of the technical assessment in the annex to decision 13/CP.19.

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