National information available for consideration by the structured expert dialogue. Note by the secretariat.

This note contains an outline of the national information that will be available for consideration by the structured expert dialogue and by when, grouped into three main categories: submissions from Parties; national reports, including national communications, biennial reports, biennial update reports, national greenhouse gas inventories, and reports from international assessment and review and from international consultation and analysis; and other relevant reports from Parties and processes under the Convention. Each part features a narrative outlining the information available; the last section outlines how the information could inform the 2013–2015 review. A table annexed to the note recapitulates
this information, with references to relevant documents and links to relevant information on the UNFCCC website

SBSTA: Item 8(c) of the provisional agenda
The 2013-2015 review
SBI: Item 15 of the provisional agenda
The 2013-2015 review
This document is available in English only