Report on the regional hands-on training workshops on the use of the non-Annex I greenhouse gas inventory software. Note by the secretariat.

Between October 2013 and March 2014 the secretariat organized three regional hands-on training workshops on the use of the non-Annex I greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory software (NAIIS). The workshops were designed to train the national focal points and other relevant key national experts from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention involved in the preparation of their national GHG inventories in the use of NAIIS for preparing and reporting those national GHG inventories. This report outlines the proceedings of the workshops and summarizes the presentations made and discussions held. It also includes a summary of the recommendations made by the participants on possible improvements to NAIIS and the organization of such training workshops in the future.

Item x of the provisional agenda
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