Report on the review of the report upon expiration of the additional period for fulfilling commitments for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol of Belgium submitted in 2023. Note by the expert review team

According to decision 1/CMP.17, and decisions 13/CMP.1 and 15/CMP.1 in conjunction with decision 3/CMP.11, each Party included in Annex I with a commitment inscribed in the third column of Annex B in the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol for the second commitment period shall submit to the secretariat prior to 24 October 2023 a report upon expiration of the additional period for fulfilling commitments for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (true-up period report) to facilitate assessment of whether the Party’s aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions in the second commitment period exceed the quantities of Kyoto Protocol units valid for the second commitment period in its retirement account. This report presents the results of the review of the true-up period report submission of Belgium, conducted by an expert review team in accordance with the “Guidelines for review under Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol”. The review took place from 19 to 23 February 2024 in Bonn.