Programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023. Proposal by the Executive Secretary. Addendum. Work programme of the secretariat for the biennium 2022–2023
Agenda item

SBI 52-55

20 (b). Programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023

2021 session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation

20 (b). Programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023

The work programme of the secretariat for the biennium 2022–2023 outlines the core budget, supplementary and other resources required by the secretariat to implement its mandates and achieve the stated objectives and expected results. A fully integrated budget across all funding sources is presented by division and objective, and all outputs and accomplishments expected to be delivered are documented.

The work programme should be considered in conjunction with document FCCC/SBI/2021/4, which presents the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023, and document FCCC/SBI/2021/4/Add.2, which presents the proposed budget for the international transaction log.

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