COP26 Platform support

Get the most out of COP26

For the first time, we are delivering an enhanced experience for delegates with the COP26 Platform. Here you can manage your time, connect with other participants and get the most out of this year's COP.   

To help you get up and running on the platform, we have put together the following guide. Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.


If you cannot see the answer to your question below, you can also get live support here.


To access the COP26 Platform, you will need to be an accredited delegate. This is because the platform allows you the same level of access as your badge does in person. If you have not yet received an invitation to get accredited, please contact your focal point.

If you’re not an accredited participant, you can still view a live stream of many COP26 sessions and events on public channels. To view the public webcast of selected sessions, visit the UNFCCC webcast portal or the UNFCCC YouTube channel. To view side events and broadcasts from our Global Innovation Pavilion, click here.  


The COP26 Platform uses the same email address as your accreditation. You will need to liaise with your focal point to ensure that the correct email address has been used.

Your password for the COP26 Platform is the same as the password you use for your email account. Please ensure that you enter the password for your registered email account.

You will only see meetings that you have badge access to. If you are not able to view meetings that you should have access to, please contact your focal point to ensure that you have the correct badge.

The COP26 Platform works best when it is accessed using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers. We do not recommend using Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari.

You can download these recommended browsers below:

Click on one of the links above and simply follow the instructions for installing and setting up Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

If the meeting is still not playing, we suggest that you check your connection. We have tech-check sessions available to join every day. These run from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT and are staffed by our Concierge Team. Visit the platform’s Test Your Connection page to find out more. 

The platform has been set up to ensure that each person receives content in accordance with their badge type. Due to this, there is a large amount of data on the platform. Sometimes, you may need to allow a few seconds for pages to load.

If you are experiencing problems, we recommend that you attend a Tech Check session with one of our Concierge Team. Just visit the platform’s Test Your Connection page to find out more. 

