
Thematic dialogue on climate technology financing

On 19 August 2014, the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) of the UNFCCC held a thematic dialogue on climate technology financing. The overall objective of the dialogue was to identify linkages between the Technology Mechanism and the financial mechanism of the Convention. More specifically, the thematic dialogue aimed to:

Highlight issues surrounding climate technology financing;
Identify challenges and opportunities, good practices and lessons learned from financing climate technologies;
Identify opportunities for enhancing the implementation of technology needs assessments.

Participate via Twitter

The thematic dialogue was webcast and online viewers were able to participate in the discussions using social media. By using the Twitter hashtags #climatetech and #climatefinance, viewers followed the online discussions and were also able to send questions to the TEC and the panel of experts. Specifically, question and answer sessions were held at:

  • 14.30 - 14.45 Central European Time (CET)
  • 16.15 - 16.30 Central European Time (CET)
  • 16.45 - 17.45 Central European Time (CET)



    Invited experts for panel discussion

    • Mr. Marcelo Jordan, Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund
    • Mr. Zhihong Zhang, Senior Program Coordinator, Climate Investment Funds
    • Mr. Robert K. Dixon, Head, Climate and Chemicals, Global Environment Facility
    • Mr. Caspar van der Tak, Senior Climate Technology Policy Specialist, Asian Development Bank
    • Ms. Diann Black-Layne, Co-Chair, Standing Committee on Finance
    • Mr. Fred Onduri, Chair, Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Center and Network
    • Mr. Secou Sarr, Director, Environment and Development Action in the Third World, Senegal

    Twitter wall