
In-session workshop on technology needs assessments

During the 7th meeting of the Technology Executive Committee (TEC), an in-session workshop on technology needs assessments (TNAs) will be held on 6 September 2013 (14.00-19.00 local Bonn time) at the Hilton Hotel, Bonn, Germany. Observers not physically present in the room are invited to participate virtually with the help of the live webcast and Twitter.



The overall objective of the workshop is to share experiences and lessons learned from the TNA process between various stakeholders with a view to supporting action on mitigation and adaptation. In particular, the in-session workshop aims to address the following questions:

  • What are the experiences and lessons learned from the TNA process?
  • What are the specific needs and practical actions that could assist countries in implementing the results of TNAs?
  • How can the TNA process be linked to other planning tools under the Convention?

Participating in the in-session workshop via Twitter

Viewers can participate via Twitter by using the hashtag #climatetech to keep track of discussion. To ask the panel of experts a question or leave a comment, viewers may use the same hashtag in their Twitter posts and can also send their questions or comments to @UN_climatetalks. The entire event will be available on webcast.

Specifically the panel of experts will respond to questions and comments at:

  • 14.50 - 15.00 local Bonn time (question and answer session);
  • 16.00 - 16.15 local Bonn time (question and answer session);
  • 17.30 - 17.45 local Bonn time (question and answer session);
  • 17.45 - 18.45 local Bonn time (general discussion).


Tweets on the in-session workshop and TEC 7

Tweets about "#climatetech"