
Expert meeting on technology roadmaps

Langer Eugen, Bonn, Germany, 25 March 2013


By decision 1/CP.16 the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) has the function to catalyse the development and use of technology road maps (TRMs) or action plans at the international, regional and national levels through cooperation between relevant stakeholders, particularly governments and relevant organizations or bodies, including the development of best practice guidelines as facilitative tools for action on mitigation and adaptation.
As part of its follow-up activities on technology roadmaps, the TEC agreed to organize an expert meeting with a focus on technology roadmaps in the area of adaptation to climate change.


The overall objective of the expert meeting is to share experiences of developing and using TRMs between different stakeholders and the TEC, and to seek ideas on the potential roles the TEC or other relevant bodies or processes under the UNFCCC could play to catalyse the development and use of these roadmaps to stimulate action on mitigation and adaptation to climate change at the national, regional and international levels. More specifically, the expert meeting aims to:

  • Share good practices and lessons learned from developing and using TRMs for mitigation and adaptation
  • Identify specific needs and actions that could assist Parties in developing and using TRMs for adaptation
  • Identify the potential role that the TEC and TRMs might play to support enhanced action on adaptation to climate change.



Presentation of the background paper on technology road maps
Mr. Marc Londo, Senior Manager, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)

Possible linkages between TRMs and other planning tools under the Convention
Mr. Gabriel Blanco, Chair of the TEC

Good practise technology road maps at the international level
Ms. Cecilia Tam, Unit Head, Energy Demand Technologies, International Energy Agency (IEA)

Experiences from developing and using technology roadmaps in Asia
Dr. Xuedu Lu, Advisor, Asian Development Bank

Experiences from developing and using technology roadmaps in the United Kingdom
Ms. Celia Greaves, UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association

Experiences from developing and using technology roadmaps in the business sector in India
Mr. L Rajasekar, Executive President, Ultratech

Strategies for the effective use of technology to adapt to climate change
Mr. Richard Klein, Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute

Adaptation technologies in agriculture, experiences from Bangladesh
Mr. Golam Rabbani, Research Fellow, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies