
UNFCCC expert meeting on technologies for adaptation to climate change

Hotel Arnoma, Bangkok, Thailand, 5 April 2008


The Conference of Parties, at its thirteenth session, requested the secretariat, to organize, as an input to the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, a meeting on technologies for adaptation with experts involved in this work and in the activities of the Nairobi work programme and national adaptation programmes of action, to be held before the twenty-eighth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (June 2008);

Objectives and scope

The main objective of the meeting is to identify next steps that could be undertaken to continue previous work on technologies for adaptation and provide input to the Nairobi work programme. Areas that could be discussed include further consideration of identified needs, concerns and experiences and lessons learned for successful development and deployment of technologies for adaptation, activities for enhancing technological cooperation to address technologies for adaptation to climate change and ways and means to encourage extensive communication and sharing of experiences using current technology.

