
UNFCCC workshop on best practices with conducting technology needs assessments

Hotel Arnoma, Bangkok, Thailand, 27–29 June 2007


The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, at its twenty fifth session, requested the secretariat, in collaboration with the Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT), to organize a workshop to share best practices with non-Annex I Parties working on technology needs assessments (TNAs). The workshop is jointly organized by the UNFCCC secretariat, Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning of the Royal Thai Government and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in consultation with the Chair of the EGTT and in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme, Global Environment Facility, and Climate Technology Initiative.

Objectives and scope

The objectives of the workshop are (i) to share best practices and lessons learned with conducting technology needs assessments with non-Annex I Parties undertaking TNAs, (ii) to enable Parties in the process of conducting or updating TNAs to effectively undertake and complete their assessments and reports, (iii) to identify specific needs and practical actions that could assist Parties in implementing the results of TNAs. In addition, the workshop will also provide an opportunity for countries' experts to exchange views with representatives from the private sector in particular the financial community on possible ways to enhance access to funding for the implementation of the results of TNAs. In this context, a special training session on project development will be provided for participants from non-Annex I Parties utilizing a UNFCCC guidebook for preparing technology transfer projects for financing.
