
UNFCCC small seminar on networking technology information centres

Haus Carstanjen, Bonn, Germany, 12–13 March 2007


The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), at its twenty-fifth session, taking into consideration the activities identified for immediate follow-up, as contained in document FCCC/SBSTA/2006/INF.8, paragraph 57, on the need to undertake specific follow-up activities, requested the secretariat, in collaboration with the EGTT, subject to the availability of resources during the next six months to organize a small seminar for the technology information centres participating in the pilot project to share lessons learned from the pilot project on networking in collaboration with UNIDO, UNEP and UNDP).

Objectives and scope

The expected outcome of the seminar was to provide Parties with a clear understanding of the technical feasibility and cost implications of the networking/strengthening of technology centres in developing countries. The seminar focused also on better defining the objectives of the network, clarifying its targeted users and their needs for information, tools that are currently available, how to best leverage on other relevant initiatives, in particular building on the gaps and barriers identified in the synthesis report on technology needs identified by non-Annex I Parties.

