
UNFCCC seminar on the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies for adaptation to climate change

Hilton Hotel, Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago, 14-16 June 2005


The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), at its twentieth session, requested the secretariat to organize in early 2005 a seminar on the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) for adaptation to climate change. The aim of the seminar will be to discuss case studies encompassing short-, medium- and long-term examples of the application of these technologies, and to report on the findings of this seminar to the SBSTA. This seminar is included in the programme of work of the Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT) for 2005. While endorsing this programme of work, the SBSTA at its twenty-first session noted that the seminar will be held in June 2005.

Objectives and scope

The seminar will provide an opportunity for experts from governments and, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and representatives from the private sector to exchange views and experiences on a range of activities relating to ESTs for adaptation to climate change including concepts, needs for, and identification and evaluation of, technologies for adaptation, experiences and lessons learned, and possible next steps in developing, transferring and applying these technologies. The seminar will have a practical focus, utilizing to the greatest extent possible actual situations and experiences, and will address adaptation in a holistic manner. It will be built around a series of case studies encompassing the experience of a range of stakeholders and stages of technology to meet the needs identified during technology needs assessments and on the previous relevant activities (workshop, reports) undertaken by the secretariat.



Supporting Documents