
UNFCCC WORKSHOP on Enabling Environments for Technology Transfer

Het Pand Conference Centre, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 9–10 April 2003


In response to the recommendations of the EGTT, the SBSTA at its seventeenth session requested the secretariat, resource permitting, to organize a workshop on enabling environments for technology transfer in April 2003, and to report on the findings of the workshop to the SBSTA at its eighteenth session. At the same session, it also welcomed the offer of the Government of Belgium to host this workshop (FCCC/SBSTA/2002/13).


The workshop will provide an opportunity for experts from governments, inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations and representatives from the private sector, to exchange views and experiences on a range of activities relating to the creating or promotion of enabling environments for the development and transfer of technologies in different countries. This will include the development of incentives, standards, legal instruments and institutional arrangements. Participants will also discuss barriers to technology transfer and ways and means to overcome those barriers in specific sectors with regard to mitigation and adaptation technologies.

Expected outcomes

  • Better understanding among participants on issues relating to the enabling environments for technology transfer;
  • Comments and inputs for the work of the EGTT and the secretariat on the technical paper on enabling environments for technology transfer;
  • Elements for possible actions or next steps for the promotion of enabling environments for technology transfer to be further considered by the EGTT and the SBSTA.



Other documents      

Enabling environments for technology transfer - Draft technical paper

Further information

The Centre for Sustainable Development at the Ghent University, Belgium, with the support of the State Secretariat for Energy and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of the Flemish Community (AMINAL), organized a series of lectures on "Transfer of environmentally sound technology to developing countries within the context of the climate change Convention".