UN Climate Change Executive Secretary makes impassioned plea to keep 1.5 alive
8 декабря 2023
Речи Секретариата ООН по климату
Simon Stiell speaks at a press conference
Credit: Kiara Worth | UN Climate Change

The following is a transcript of remarks made by UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell during a press conference at COP28 on Friday 8 December 2023.

Good afternoon - time is of the essence, so I will be very brief.

We all know the scale of the climate crisis.  COP28 must be about solutions to get all countries out of this climate mess.

That is my central focus: solutions, acceleration, the highest ambition here at COP, and a springboard for the crucial years ahead.

COP28 must deliver a big switch: not just ‘what’ governments must do, but also ‘how’ to get the job done.

The technologies and tools all exist. This week negotiators must agree on putting them to work.

In short, it’s go-time for governments at COP28 this week.

There are low, middle, and high ambition options on many issues.

If we want to save lives now, and keep 1.5 within reach, the highest ambition COP outcomes must stay front and center in these negotiations.

So I urge negotiators to start with the highest ambition outcome and for them to ask, “How do we get there?”

Yes, compromises will be essential. But not on ambition.

The UNFCCC will be an honest broker and convenor within this process. We will make sure all countries have a seat at the table and can use their full voices.

This week I don’t want to see diversions and political tactics that hold climate ambition hostage.

I urge all ministers and negotiators to think outside the box.  Climate action needs that paradigm shift.

Yes, eight billion people are now on the frontlines. But bold climate action is also a momentous opportunity:

An opportunity for more jobs, healthier economic growth, less pollution and better human health.

This is what billions of people in every country want, and bolder climate action is the chance for governments to deliver it here in Dubai.

Every country is hungry for the next source of stable economic growth. Billions of households are struggling to put bread on the table.

So, bold climate action can be the meal-ticket of the 21st century - this week in Dubai all countries must cooperate to put it in reach.

I thank you.