Long-term climate finance events in 2014

In-session workshop on long-term climate finance, Hotel Maritim, Bonn, Germany

Part I 15:00-18:00, Wednesday 11 June 2014
Part II 10:00-13:00, Thursday 12 June 2014

A two-part in-session workshop on long-term climate finance was held on 11 and 12 June 2014, in conjunction with the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference held in Bonn, Germany. This in-session workshop was organized as follow up to COP's decision to continue deliberations on long-term finance, focusing on inter alia: strategies and approaches for scaled-up climate finance from 2014-2020; cooperation on enhanced enabling environments and support for readiness activities; and needs for support to developing countries. The summary of this workshop will be considered by the COP 20 and also by the high-level ministerial dialogue on climate finance at COP 20 in Lima.

Summary report on in-session workshop on long-term climate finance in 2014 is now available.
Please click here for the report.

Moderated by:
Kamel Djemouai (Algeria) and Herman Sips (The Netherlands)
Click here for the programme

Open to all Parties and observers attending the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference held in Bonn, Germany

Video recording
In-session Workshop on Long-term Climate Finance, Part I
In-session Workshop on Long-term Climate Finance, Part I (continued)
In-session Workshop on Long-term Climate Finance, Part II
In-session Workshop on Long-term Climate Finance, Part II (continued)

Scene-setting presentation (Part I)
Please click here to download the scene-setting presentation (Part I)

Questions for interactive group discussions (Part I)

  • Group 1
  • How can the updated approaches and strategies be more useful in terms of the level of detail and the type of information on sources and instruments?
  • How can the updated information be better used to communicate actions on the ground and policies supported by developed country parties within the international and national climate finance communities?

    Group 2
  • What efforts are currently part of the developed country parties strategies and approaches foreseen to scale up climate finance?
  • How are these efforts aligned with the priorities and programmes of developing countries?

    Group 3
    The extended work programme on long-term finance in 2013 examined a range of policies and institutional enablers for effective climate finance, including country ownership, in-country institutional arrangements, absorptive capacity, coherence and coordination, etc.:
  • What are the major lessons learned from the fast-start period with respect to policies, programmes and priorities that are currently supported by international climate finance? How can these efforts be enhanced?
  • How can FSF planning inform updated approaches and strategies for mobilising scaled-up climate finance?

    Group 4
    The COP has underlined in several decisions the need for a balance between mitigation and adaptation finance:
  • What insights can be obtained from 2013 submissions on approaches and strategies for mobilising scaled up climate finance in this regard?
  • What other efforts are being undertaken by Parties to ensure the balance between mitigation and adaptation in other climate finance channels? How can these efforts inform updated information?

Scene-setting presentation (Part II)
Please click here to download the scene-setting presentation (Part II)

Questions for interactive group discussions (Part II)
  • Group 1
  • What are concrete actions needed to strengthen assessment of financial needs by developing countries building on lessons learned?

    Group 2
  • What lessons can be learned from developed-developing country collaborations from the fast-start finance period, particularly in connection with the effective deployment of climate finance?

    Group 3
  • What actions should be prioritised to enhance enabling environments for effective delivery of climate finance at country and programme/project levels?

    Group 4
  • What steps can be undertaken to improve coordination and coherence of readiness activities?

Updated 12 June 2014


UNFCCC Webinar: Views on the design of the in-session workshop(s) on long-term climate finance in 2014

Friday, 25 April 2014: First run: 09:00 CET; Second run: 15:00 CET

Decision 3/CP.19 on long-term climate finance includes three types of activities to be organized in the period 2014-2020, these include: biennial submissions by developed country Parties; in-session workshops; and biennial high-level ministerial dialogue on climate finance, starting in 2014. Decision 3/CP.19 was preceded by decision 4/CP.18 on the extended the work programme in 2013, which culminated with a co-chairs report to COP19.

This webinar provided the opportunity to Parties and observers to discuss modalities, focus and expected outputs in 2014. Specifically, the webinar addressed the following questions:

  • What would be the focus areas of the in-session workshop(s), including themes;
  • The format and the flow of the in-session workshop(s)

The informal discussion note provides background information, possible focus areas and format based on the interaction with Parties. This informal discussion note is aimed at facilitating webinar discussions.

Moderated by:
Kamel Djemouai (Algeria) and Herman Sips (The Netherlands)

This webinar was open to Parties and observers

Video recordings
Click here for the recording of the first webinar run
Click here for the recording of the second webinar run
Click here for the presentation slides used during the webinar

Updated 5 May 2014

