UNFCCC workshop on adaptation planning and practices under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
10 - 12 Sep. 2007
09:30h - 19:00h
Rome, Italy
UNFCCC workshop on adaptation planning and practices under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
10 - 12 Sep. 2007
09:30h - 19:00h
Rome, Italy

Introduction and overview  
The SBSTA requested the secretariat, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, to organize, before its twenty-seventh session, a workshop with the participation of Parties, relevant organizations, business, civil society, decision makers and other stakeholders, to exchange information and views on existing adaptation practices, experiences, needs, gaps, opportunities, barriers and constraints, and on the contribution of traditional knowledge to the work on adaptation planning and practices taking into account the submissions from Parties and relevant organizations on this subject.

The workshop took place from 10 to 12 September 2007 in Rome, Italy. It was held in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).  The workshop enabled around 150 experts representing developed and developing countries, along with intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to share their experience in adaptation planning and practices in the areas of agriculture and food security, water resources, coastal zones and health and on how to integrate and coordinate adaptation across different sectors and at different levels to contribute to the overall efforts to achieve sustainable development.  Discussions were held in plenary, breakout groups and in a poster session.

Participants identified gaps and needs which currently inhibit adaptation planning and implementation, and shared good practices for practitioners and decision-makers which can be replicated in a wide range sectors to enable countries and communities to better plan for and design adaptation to climate change.  Participants discussed how to take forward recommendations aimed at enhancing adaptation planning and practices. Many organizations outlined how they will pick up some of the recommendations - be it relating to tailoring data, methods and information for users, developing guidebooks on “how to” plan and implement adaptation, or supporting the development of legal and institutional frameworks to promote collaboration and integration across sectors and at different levels.

Agenda and report
Agenda (137 kB)
Report on the workshop on adaptation planning and practices
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) coverage of the workshop

Background documentation
Decision 2/CP.11   
Five-year programme of work of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
SBSTA 25 conclusions
Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
Submissions on adaptation planning and practices made by Parties and relevant organizations
Searchable database of the information contained in submissions on adaptation planning and practices
Synthesis of information and views on adaptation planning and practices submitted by Parties and relevant organizationsSynthesis report of the outputs of the work of the LEG, CGE and EGTT, relevant to adaptation planning and practices
Report on the workshop on climate-related risks and extreme events

Introduction, scope and orientation




Mr. Roberto Acosta

UNFCCC secretariat

Recent, ongoing and expected developments on adaptation under the UNFCCC

Ms. Olga Pilifosova

UNFCCC secretariat

Workshop on adaptation planning and practices under the Nairobi work programme

Ms. María Gutiérrez and Ms. Annett Möhner

UNFCCC secretariat

Adaptation planning and practices: Submissions by Parties and organizations and relevant outputs from LEG, CGE and EGTT

Mr. Jeff Tschirley


Climate change adaptation: Planning and practices

Adaptation planning and practices in different sectors




Ms. Habiba Gitay and Mr. Ian Burton


Introduction to agriculture and food security

Results from the break out group

Mr. Richard Klein and Mr. Leon Charles


Introduction to coastal zones

Results from the break out group

Mr. Taulealeausumai L Malua and Mr. Khaled Abuzeid


Introduction to water resources

Results from the break out group

Ms. Kris Ebi and Mr. Pablo Suarez


Introduction to health

Results from the break out group

Adaptation planning and practices across different levels and sectors


Organization/ Party 


Mr. Richard Muyungi


Mainstreaming Climate change adaptation into poverty eradication processes: Tanzania’s experience

Mr. Roger Street


Adaptation planning and practices at the national level: UK's experience

Ms. Bo Lim


International and Regional Co-ordination and Integration or Changing the way we do business?

Ms. Rachel Berger

Practical Action

Community based adaptation: the experience of Practical Action




Ms. Habiba Gitay and Mr. Ian Burton


Results from the break out group on adaptation planning and practices at the national level

Mr. Richard Klein and Mr. Leon Charles


Results from the break out group on coordination and integration across sectors

Mr. Taulealeausumai L Malua and Mr. Khaled Abuzeid


Results from the break out group on coordination and integration

Ms. Kris Ebi and Mr. Pablo Suarez 


Results from the break out group on adaptation planning and practices at the sub-national level