SBSTA - IPCC Special Event: Common metrics to calculate the carbon dioxide equivalence of greenhouse gases

SBSTA - IPCC Special Event: Common metrics to calculate the carbon dioxide equivalence of greenhouse gases

Date: Saturday, 7 June 2014
Time:  13.15 to 14.45  
Venue: Room Schumann, Maritim Hotel
City: Bonn
Country: Germany


The SBSTA 36 (May 2012) noted that common metrics are being assessed by the IPCC in the context of its work on the Fifth Assessment Report and acknowledged the relevance of common metrics to climate change policy.

In this occasion the SBSTA invited the IPCC to present its findings on common metrics from its Fifth Assessment Report at the SBSTA 40 (June 2014) and requested the secretariat to organize a special event for this purpose.  In addition, the SBSTA agreed to continue, at its 40th session, its consideration of common metrics.


Historical Overview and Background Mr. Keith Shine, AR5 IPCC WGI Review Editor
Chapter 8
Insights from WG I Perspective Mr. Jan Fuglestvedt, AR5 IPCC WGI Lead Author Chapter 8
Insights from WG III Perspective Mr. Michael Hanemann, AR5 IPCC WGIII Lead Author Chapter 3