Monitoring and Evaluation of the work of the PCCB

Connecting the PCCB mandate to the results of its work to showcase progress.

COP 25 requested the Paris Committee on Capacity-building to report on the progress, outcomes, impacts and effectiveness of the activities in its workplan for 2021-2024 (Decision 9/CP.25, para. 17). In response to this request, an initial monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework has been developed, taking into account available good practice from other constituted bodies (i.e. the Technology Executive Committee), as well as the existing results-based assessment framework for the M&E of the communications and stakeholder engagement strategies (C&E strategies) of the PCCB.

On the basis of the work envisaged in the 2021-2024 workplan of the PCCB, the M&E framework connects the mandate of the PCCB to the results of its work at the output, outcome and impact levels, in order to showcase progress and foster learning and improvement over time. In addition to tracking the delivery of outputs, the framework provides relevant indicators for assessing outcomes of work under the three priority areas and cross-cutting issues, and measuring effectiveness of PCCB activities. While the impact of the work of the PCCB lies beyond the sphere of the direct influence of the committee, the framework incorporates quantitative and qualitative indicators, as well as solicited feedback from PCCB stakeholders, to detect and reflect signals of success in fulfilling the mandate of the PCCB with regard to supporting capacity-building under the Convention and the Paris Agreement. 

The framework is subject to review and amendments, as deemed necessary by the PCCB. It is intended to guide and assist the work of the PCCB in the M&E of the workplan activities, and shall not add any undue burden to the limited resources available to the PCCB. If insufficient or no information could be retrieved for reporting on certain indicators, the PCCB may rely on other indicators in the same category, and/or introduce new indicators to monitor the performance and progress of work. The findings from the first reporting period (2021-2022) will serve as a baseline for future years. When and where needed, targets will be adjusted to reflect specific circumstances and emerging learnings, and justifications will be provided accordingly. 

The secretariat supports the PCCB in the operationalization of this framework and implement necessary revisions, as needed. Starting in 2022, findings from this work will be reflected in the annual technical progress reports (ATPR) of the PCCB.