Eighth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC8)

The meeting was held in Bonn, Germany from 9 to 12 September 2015
Venue: UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, Room LEU 1916.

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the eighth meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC8) by agenda item

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda


AC/2015/10 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Organization of work

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the organization of work.

4. Coherence and collaboration on adaptation-related matters:

4. (a) Adaptation-related mandates under the Convention


Update on case studies under the NWP

Breakout group discussions: GCF report to the COP

Breakout group discussions: GEF report to the COP

4. (b) Collaboration with other entities

Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare a template that AC members will use to report back from meetings in which they represented the AC.

The AC will remain in contact with the secretariat of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The Co-Chairs will work with the secretariat and the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) on the guidance that the AC is providing to the Financial Mechanism under the Convention, based on the input elaborated at AC8.

The Co-Chairs will update the AC members within two weeks upon closure of AC8 on consultations with the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

5. National Adaptation Plans (NAPs):

5. (a) Adaptation Committee Task Force on NAPs


AC/2015/11 - Scoping note for a technical paper on long-term adaptation planning

AC/2015/12 - Support for the process to formulate and implement NAPs - an overview for developing countries that are not LDCs


Scoping note for a technical paper on long-term adaptation planning

Outline for a paper on support available for the process to formulate and implement NAPs

Summary outcome

 Regarding the outline for the paper on long-term adaptation planning, the AC agreed that:

  • The Co-Chairs will work with the secretariat to revise the outline, taking into account the input received;

  • The secretariat will share the revised outline with the AC about two weeks after the closure of AC8.

Regarding the paper on support for the process to support and implement NAPs, the AC agreed:

  • To issue the paper in the form of a short and user-friendly publication;

  • That the publication will be widely distributed electronically and in hard copy;

  • That it will also be made available on NAP Central and updated periodically;

  • That the secretariat will send a draft version of the paper to the AC by 25 September for review by 2 October;

  • That the secretariat will gather additional feedback from intended users and other organizations as feasible within the time line.

5. (b) Workshop to share experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs on the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans


FCCC/SBI/2015/INF.6 - Report on the workshop on experiences, good practices, lessons learned, gaps and needs in the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans. Note by the secretariat.


 Report on the workshop (FCCC/SBI/2015/INF.6)

Summary outcomes

Discussions on this topic fed into the discussions under agenda item 6 (Means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions).

The AC requested the secretariat to look into the possibility of producing short (1-page) information products, targeted at different stakeholder groups, for COP 21.

6. Means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions


AC/2015/13 - Report on the workshop on the means of implementation for enhanced adaptation action

AC/2015/14 - Input document: information, key issues and recommendations on the means of implementation for enhanced adaptation action.


Input document: information, key issues and recommendations on the means of implementation for enhanced adaptation action

Summary outcome

The AC agreed that the recommendations elaborated under this item will be included into the AC’s report to the COP. In addition, the activities have been included in the workplan of the AC.

7. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation action:

7. (a) Work of the ad-hoc group on technical support


AC/2015/15 - Modalities to strategically strengthen and enhance the coherence of the provision of support to developing countries for activities related to adaptation.


Modalities to strategically strengthen and enhance the coherence of the provision of support to developing countries for activities related to adaptation

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the two types of modalities as proposed in the background paper prepared for this meeting. The two modalities will be reflected in the elaboration of the AC’s next workplan.

The AC recognized that the list of modalities as contained in the annex to the background paper is not comprehensive, additional modalities may be applied, including those for outreach beyond the Convention.

The AC agreed that the ad-hoc group has completed its work as mandated.

7. (b) Expert meeting on promoting livelihoods and economic diversification

Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to finalize the report on this expert meeting and to share it with the AC.

The AC will consider the full report at its 9th meeting, with a view to agreeing on next steps and recommendations for consideration by COP 22.

The Co-Chairs will work with the secretariat to elaborate a concept note for an information product which is to be published after COP 21.

8. Communication and outreach:

8. (a) 2015 overview report


AC/2015/16 - Outline of the draft 2015 overview report - Work of the Adaptation Committee during its initial three years

Summary report

The AC endorsed the outline of the draft 2015 overview report and agreed to underline that the ultimate goal of the AC is action on the ground, and to showcase how the AC is contributing to that.

The AC requested the secretariat to:

  • Complete the draft and to share it with the AC before 1 October, with one week for comments;

  • Circulate a revised version by the 2nd week in October with two days for comments;

  • Send an SMS to alerts to members when the drafts are available.

8. (b) Organization of an in-session side event at COP 21


AC/2015/17 - Scoping note on the in-session side event COP 21.


Scoping note on the in-session side event at COP 21

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to focus the event mainly on the work achieved by the AC. The event will have two key objectives:

  • The first segment will showcase the work of the AC;

  • The second segment will invite a broader discussion, seeking views on the current and anticipated work, including potential future outreach products.

The Co-Chairs will work with the secretariat to revise the concept note in line with comments received.

In addition, the Co-Chairs requested the secretariat to contact the various other Convention bodies to enquire on any other side events in order to avoid duplication.

9. Work plan of the Adaptation Committee


AC/20152/18/Rev.1 - Draft workplan of the Adaptation Committee for the period 2016-2018

Summary outcome

The full document as agreed is posted above (AC/2015/18/Rev.1, version of 12 September 2015).

The workplan table will be annexed to the report of the AC to COP 21. Key elements from the introduction and background text will be included into the report.

10. Report of the Adaptation Committee to COP 21

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the draft report provided and requested the secretariat to finalize the report based on comments received.

The secretariat will share the full draft with the AC before publication.

11. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

 The AC agreed on the following dates for its regular meetings in 2016:

  • 1-3 March 2016: Ninth meeting of the AC

  • 13-15 September 2016: Tenth meeting of the AC

12. Any other matters

Summary outcome

The AC welcomed an offer from the Government of the Netherlands to host the next Adaptation Forum in the context of the 2016 Adaptation Futures conference, taking place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands from 10-13 May 2016.

13. Closure of the meeting


Information on observer participation

The AC acknowledges the active participation of observers who contributed with concrete proposals of potential support to the Committee’s work towards the implementation of its three-year work plan.

The COP, by decision 2/CP.17, decided that the meetings of the Adaptation Committee shall be open to attendance by admitted observer organizations, except where otherwise decided by the Adaptation Committee, with a view to encouraging a balanced representation of observers from Annex I Parties and from non-Annex I Parties.

Notifications (also available here):

Other relevant documents

3-year work plan of the Adaptation Committee for the period 2013 to 2015

COP decisions on the work of the Adaptation Committee