Country page - Sri Lanka

Updated on 9 February 2024




Sea-level rise,




Heat stress,


Health related risks (spread of climate-induced diseases),

Biodiversity degradation and loss,

SOE impacts such as migration,

Non-economic loss and damage

Technical assistance related to drought response

Update drought maps at the local level and enhance data systems. Identify suitable solutions based on context-based localized approaches. Expand EWS by sector-based needs, and update community and livelihood related data sharing and systems. Enhance technical assistance through global experiences to scale up existing projects and activities related to droughts, and programmes for capacity building of technical staff. Share good practices and engagement with multi-sectoral and cross-cutting engagement of better approaches, building on existing examples from Sri Lanka (though knowledge sharing, workshops conducted for the region and similar issue-focused country engagement). Identify means of implementation for identified solutions, as well as development of case studies, solutions for support provision, especially funding for conducting activities. Support for development of project proposals for funding access.

Technical assistance related to flood response

Develop flood maps riverine and pluvial based on triggers and in collaboration with local experts to identify gaps and enhance flood mapping capabilities. Identify suitable funding sources for infrastructure-based flood risk reduction approaches. Improve data management portals for flood hazard related data by building on existing systems and incorporating inputs from national authorities and experts. Generate a pool of localized flood solutions based on past experiences to integrate into relief provision, mapping, and projection of suitable solutions. Enhance technical assistance through global experiences to scale up existing flood-related projects and activities, as well as provide capacity building for technical staff. Share good practices and engage in cross-sectoral collaboration to improve flood-related approaches by building on existing examples from Sri Lanka. This could include conducting knowledge sharing workshops for the region or other countries with similar issues. Identify means of implementing identified solutions, and develop case studies and approaches for funding support, especially for conducting activities. Provide support for developing project proposals to access funding.

Technical assistance related to landslide response

Establish a platform for sharing best practices and lessons learned with regional and global actors. Coordinate and provide access to engage with different actors working on issues related to resettlement, including policy development and community engagement approaches for those in transit and resettling. Enhance technical assistance through global experiences to scale up existing projects and activities related to landslides and provide capacity-building programs for technical staff working on the issue. Share good practices and engage in multi-sectoral and cross-cutting approaches to building better solutions, building on existing examples from Sri Lanka. This could be achieved through knowledge-sharing workshops conducted for the region or through similar issue-focused country engagement. Identify means of implementation for identified solutions, as well as develop case studies, solutions, and approaches through matchmaking for support provision, especially funding for conducting activities. Provide support for the development of project proposals to access funding.

Technical assistance related to heat-stress response

Provide support in conducting heat stress mapping at different levels of governance to address sector-specific needs and governance levels. Offer capacity building and support for better implementation of actions related to heat stress. Provide support for maintaining long-term data and data generation by different levels of governance structures for policy and action development and implementation. Provide capacity building on thematic focus based on cross-sectoral approaches. Enhance technical expertise and share lessons learned to identify good practices through regional and global collaborations for technical experts and officers of relevant ministries and authorities. Share good practices and engage in multi-sectoral and cross-cutting engagement to develop better approaches, building on existing examples from Sri Lanka. This could be achieved through knowledge-sharing workshops conducted for the region or similar issue-focused country engagement. Identify means for implementing identified solutions, as well as develop case studies and approaches through matchmaking for support provision, especially funding for conducting activities. Provide support for the development of project proposals to access funding.

Technical assistance related to sea-level rise response

Provide support to enhance existing processes related to sea-level rise, measuring and monitoring, and management of gathered data. Identify projections of implications. Support the enhancement of warning systems, including the identification of funding sources for maintaining and expanding the sharing of information with communities and other stakeholders to address sea-level rise more effectively. Share good practices and engage in multi-sectoral and cross-cutting engagement for better approaches, building on existing examples from Sri Lanka. This could be achieved through knowledge-sharing workshops conducted for the region, or similar issue-focused country engagements. Identify means of implementation for identified solutions, as well as the development of case studies, solutions, and approaches through matchmaking for support provision, especially funding for conducting activities. Provide support for the development of project proposals to access funding.

Technical assistance related to salinization response

Provide support for scaling up research related to salinization by sharing research from regional and global approaches. Provide support for implementing pilot actions related to salinization, including identifying sources of funding and entities for providing means of implementation. Enhance the data system and scale up data sharing by identifying funding sources and entities that provide sustained support for long-term data management processes. Share good practices and engage in multi-sectoral and cross-cutting engagement for better approaches, building on existing examples from Sri Lanka. This could be achieved through knowledge-sharing workshops conducted for the region or country-focused engagements on similar issues. Identify means of implementation for identified solutions, as well as develop case studies, solutions, and approaches through matchmaking for support provision, especially funding for conducting activities. Provide support for the development of project proposals to access funding.

Technical assistance related to health-risks (spread of climate induced diseases)

Support scaling up research on health impacts and sharing existing research across different platforms to enhance outputs. Identify support for scaling up existing research and approaches to address health-related impacts, including support for conducting activities and scaling up existing activities. Support scaling up data systems related to the health sector and climate-induced loss and damage. Share good practices and engage in multi-sectoral and cross-cutting engagement for better approaches, building on existing examples from Sri Lanka (This could be done through knowledge-sharing workshops conducted for the region or similar issue-focused country engagement). Identify means of implementation for the identified solutions, as well as develop case studies, solutions, and approaches through matchmaking for support provision, especially funding for conducting activities. Support the development of project proposals to access funding.

Technical assistance related to biodiversity and loss

Provide support for scaling up evidence generation and research on the thematic focus, as well as specific species. Assist with managing data and projections for different identified species and support the scaling up of existing activities (This includes identifying suitable funding sources for implementing actions). Share best practices and engage in multi-sectoral and cross-cutting approaches, building on existing examples from Sri Lanka. This can be achieved through knowledge-sharing workshops conducted in the region or engagement with countries that focus on similar issues. Identify means of implementation for identified solutions, as well as develop case studies, solutions, and approaches through matchmaking for support provision. This includes seeking funding for conducting activities. Provide support for the development of project proposals to access funding.

Addressing slow onset impacts such as migration

Identify opportunities for scaling up existing activities and implementing solutions. Share good practices and engage in multi-sectoral and cross-cutting approaches by building on existing examples from Sri Lanka. This could be achieved through knowledge sharing workshops conducted for the region or similar issue-focused country engagement. Identify means of implementation for solutions and develop case studies, solutions, and approaches through matchmaking for support provision, especially funding for conducting activities.

Provide support for the development of project proposals to access funding.

Non-economic loss and damage (e.g., cultural loss)

Support for scaling up data management and gathering examples related to non-economic loss and damage. Sharing of best practices and engagement with multiple sectors and cross-cutting approaches, building on existing examples from Sri Lanka (This could be achieved through knowledge-sharing workshops conducted for the region or similar issue-focused country engagements). Identification of means of implementation for identified solutions, as well as development of case studies, solutions, and approaches through matching support provision, especially funding for conducting activities. Support for the development of project proposals for accessing funding.

General technical support

Provide equipment for managing and sharing data related to different hazards. Provide equipment for receiving information for vulnerable communities. Share available data applicable to Sri Lanka through global and regional portals for planning action.
