Global stocktake secretariat synthesis reports and addendas

In accordance with decision 19/CMA.1 paragraph 23, the secretariat, under the guidance of the co-facilitators of the global stocktake (GST) technical dialogue (TD), has prepared the following synthesis reports for the technical assessment component of the GST: 

The secretariat has also published a series of addenda to the synthesis reports:


Constituted Bodies synthesis reports:

In accordance with decision 19/CMA.1 paragraph 24, invites the relevant Constituted Bodies and forums and other institutional arrangements under or serving the Paris Agreement and/or Convention, to prepare for the technical assessment, with the assistance of the secretariat, synthesis reports on the following: 

  • Least Developed Country Expert Group (LEG) synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first Global Stocktake
  • The Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first Global Stocktake
  • Standing Committee on Finance Synthesis report on the information identified in decision 19/CMA.1
  • Consultative Group of Experts synthesis report to the technical assessment of the Global Stocktake
  • Technology Executive Committee  Synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first Global Stocktake: Information on matters related to technology development and transfer, including the information referred to in Article 10 of the Paris Agreement, barriers and challenges faced by developing countries and good practices, experiences and potential opportunities to enhance international cooperation on mitigation and adaptation
  • Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform Facilitative Working Group (FWG) synthesis report to the technical assessment of the Global Stocktake In response to Decision 19/CMA.1 "Matters relating to Article 14 of the Paris Agreement and paragraphs 99-101 of decision 1/CP.21”.
  • Katowice Committee on impacts of the implementation of response measures synthesis report to the technical assessment component of the first Global Stocktake on the impacts of the implementation of response measures
  • Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first Global Stocktake
  • Adaptation Committee Synthesis report for the technical assessment component of the first Global Stocktake 